Australian Curriculum Categories


Sing and play instruments to improvise, practise a repertoire of chants, songs and rhymes, including songs used by cultural groups in the community


  • practising and performing music, reading from notation (invented and learnt symbols) (Skills: Literacy, Personal and Social Capability)
  • practising techniques for singing songs and playing classroom instruments (Skills: Critical and Creative Thinking, Personal and Social Capability)
  • singing and playing music to explore the expressive possibilities of their voices and instruments (Skills: Critical and Creative Thinking, Personal and Social Capability)
  • Considering viewpoints - meanings and interpretations: For example - What did this music make you think about and why? (Skills: Critical and Creative Thinking)
  • practising and performing music using accessible technologies (Skills: Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Capability, Critical and Creative Thinking, Personal and Social Capability)
  • 学习当地社区中群体使用的歌曲,例如来自社区的原住民歌曲或托雷斯海峡岛民歌曲,尊重文化协议(技能:识字,批判性和创造性思维,个人和社会能力,跨文化理解)

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