teaching resource

澳大利亚本地动植物Digital Teacher Diary

Teach Starter Publishing
微软幻灯片软件|40 pages

A native Australian flora and fauna themed PowerPoint for teachers to use when creating a personal school diary.





  • 榛子范·达伦


    • 保罗(教学开万博manbext手机官网下载始者)

      Hi Hazel, The PowerPoint slides are editable and can be printed according to one's preference within the PowerPoint Program. If we can assist in any way, please feel free to get in touch at[email protected]We're more than happy to help! We also have a Native Australian Flora and Fauna Resource Collection that you can find at//www.yilangbao.com/au/teaching-resource-collection/native-australian-flora-and-fauna/

  • Benjamin Angus

    看起来像是一个了不起的资源,但是可惜,当我将其下载为PowerPoint文档时,它无法打开,因此没有必要使用它。多可惜 :/

    • 保罗(教学开万博manbext手机官网下载始者)

      Hi Benjamin, Thanks for getting in touch. I'm sorry to hear you're having trouble downloading the PowerPoint. Here are a couple of troubleshooting ideas for you to try. When you press the download button on the resource page, please select the 'save' option from the dialogue box that appears, and save the file to your documents or desktop. From there, you should be able to open the file successfully. Sometimes this error happens with older versions of PowerPoint or some school versions which prevent PowerPoint templates being opened. Can you please try right-clicking on the file in your downloads folder and then select 'Open' from the drop-down menu? This should allow you to access the file without the error message. If there is anything else I can assist you with, please don't hesitate to contact me.