teaching resource

纯物质和混合物是什么?– Posters

Teach Starter Publishing
PDF|2 pages

2 posters explaining pure substances and mixtures.

Display these posters when learning aboutpure substances and mixtures.

Information on posters includes:

What are Pure Substances?

Pure substances contain only one substance, with no others mixed in. They cannot be separated by physical means. Pure substances are made up of only one type of particle (e.g. an element or compound).

Some examples of pure substances include:
• water
• oxygen
• carbon dioxide
• gold
• iron.

What are Mixtures?

Mixtures are impure substances, made up of two or more substances mixed together. They can be separated by physical means. Mixtures are made up of substances that are not chemically joined.

Some examples of mixtures include:
• coffee
• salty water
• smog
• concrete
• cake.

Teach Starter Publishing

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