teaching resource

Remembrance Day Word Wall Vocabulary

Teach Starter Publishing
PDF|2 pages|Years:1 - 7

Remembrance Day related vocabulary cards for a word wall.

This Remembrance Day Word Wall includes a poppy flower andANZACslouch hat.

The red poppy is the emblem of remembrance. In Australia we wear the red poppy in memory of our soldiers who laid down their lives in Flanders Fields during World War I. It is also a symbol of respect and camaraderie between the soldiers of all Allied nations and for the land in Northern France, that was a common battleground. Cut out and colour the template below to make your own red poppy to wear.

Remembrance Day vocabulary words include:

Remembrance Day, Poppy Day, Armistice Day, ANZAC, war, memorial, World War, remember, armed forces, line of duty, wreath, cross, weapons, poppy, parade, hero, freedom, peace, soldier, veteran, never forget, lest we forget, ode, Flanders Fields, respect, camaraderie, allied nations


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  • Natalie Gasperi

    There are no word cards to download with this file or the Anzac vocab cards either

    • Janeen

      嗨娜塔莉我们正在经历一个技术就很难ty with our word walls where the vocabulary list is not populating the cards. We are working on this and apologise for the inconvenience. In the meantime, a default PDF has been uploaded for both the Remembrance Day and the ANZAC Day resources and can be accessed via the Download button or the 'Select a Download' section below the resource description. Also, if your subscription level gives you access to Studio, you can create and customise the word list by clicking on the 'Customise' button beside the download button. Please let us know if we can be of further assistance. We're more than happy to help!

  • Mary Anderson

    Thank you so much exactly what I was looking for regards Mary

    • Kristian

      Hi Mary, Thank you for your lovely comment. I am so glad you are enjoying our resources.