teaching resource

Successful Sentences – Sentence Construction Cards

Teach Starter Publishing
Word, PDF|41 pages|Years:3 - 7

Word cards for constructing complex sentences.

Use these cards to help your students write complex sentences.

Cards available include:

  • common nouns
  • adjectives
  • verbs
  • adverbs
  • pronouns
  • conjunctions
  • prepositions
  • 标点符号。

Set challenges for your students to use a specified number of common nouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, pronouns, prepositions and conjunctions in a sentence. They will need to change the first letter of the sentence to a capital.

Printing and laminating the cards will allow your students to write on the word and then wipe it clean.

Students can use the blank cards to add any words they may need to complete their sentence.


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  • Paul (Teach Starter)
    Hi Zuriette, You’re most welcome and thank you for your feedback. We love to hear how our resources are helping teachers! Paul
  • Zuriette Du Plessis
    Thank you. This will be handy to learn and consolidate sentences and in Reading Group TIme.
  • Kristian
    Hello everyone, There seems to be some confusion about prepositions and this resource. If you check page 4 of the PDF there is the prepositions description card and the list of preposition construction card words are on pages 38 to 40. Thanks for your support with this resource, if you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to contact me.
  • Helen Kontakos
    Can you possibly add Prepositions?
  • Shruti kapur
    Prepositions are missing.

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