teaching resource

Writing a Friendly, Personal Letter Poster

Teach Starter Publishing
PDF|1 page|Years:3 - 6

An educational poster showing students how to lay out a personal letter.

This poster highlights the different parts of a personal letter and give students a visual reference when planning and writing friendly letters.

  1. Heading – Your name and address.
  2. Date – The date you wrote your letter on.
  3. Greeting – Your hello.
  4. Content – What you want to say and the reason why you are writing.
  5. Closing – The way you want to end your letter.
  6. Signature – Sign your name.
  7. PS (Postscript) – Found at the end of a letter. You can put anything you forgot to say here.


Teach Starter Publishing

Teach Starter Publishing

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  • Deidre Mckenna
    Yes, I agree with Lisa above. Any ideas for email formats would be appreciated.
    • Kristian
      Hi Deidre, Thank you for your suggestion. Please feel free to suggest it via the Request a Resource section: //www.yilangbao.com/request-a-resource/ Your request will be voted on by the community. Each week, our team creates the most popular request. If your request hits the top of the list, we’ll be happy to make it for you!
  • Lisa E
    I would like more resources to teach letter writing. Templates and lesson ideas for variation!
    • Scott (Teach Starter)
      Thank you for your suggestion, Lisa. Please feel free to request your idea here: //www.yilangbao.com/request-a-resource/
  • Emily
    This is amazing! Can you please make these for all text types so show students all of the elements used? Thanks :)

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