Blush Blooms Teacher Planner: Your Fresh Start to the School Year!

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Updated| 6 min read

TheBlush Blooms Teacher Diary Resource Packis back!

Teachers, you’re an organised bunch and you love yourselves a bit of blush pink and golden goodness!

If you haven’t spotted it on the website (or a colleague’s desk) yet, Blush Blooms is a soft, pastel watercolour teacher planner design inspired by peonies and eucalyptus leaves.


What Do I Get In theBlush Blooms Teacher DiaryResource Pack?

This teacher planner pack includes various editable elements, enabling teachers to customise their diaries to suit their preferences.

  • Front and back covers
  • Daily, weekly and monthly and term planning sheets
  • 密钥日期概述
  • 生日,联系和技术密码录音表
  • Assessment trackers
  • Notes pages
  • Term dividers
  • Professional development recording pages

You can download these resources separately by clicking the hyperlinks on theresource pack page, or justgrab the whole pack in one go通过点击downloadat the top of the same page!


How to Assemble Your最佳教师计划者Ever!

Blush blooms teacher planner

One of the things that makes Blush Blooms your best teacher planner ever is the fact that you can fully customise it to suit your needs and preferences.

Love everything to be in portrait orientation? Go for it! Prefer lined note paper over blank pages? Be our guest! Do you love to plan extensive daily plans, or are you more of a weekly overview-lover? Your choice!

Everything about your planner is entirely up to you! I’m just here to show you the possibilities.

Printer Settings

将打印机设置为打印actual size, because our designer has created this resource to fit perfectly on A4 paper with this setting. I printed my planner on a laser printer, with varied paper weights (240GSM card for the covers and term dividers, regular copy paper for the rest). Laser printers will give a light sheen, while inkjets will give a matte finish.


Theeditable teacher planner cover是我最喜欢的元素Blush Blooms Diary!If you love the look of it as-is, withPlannerwritten on the front in soft gold script, just download it as a PDF file and print! If you’d like to personalise your diary to truly make it your best teacher planner ever,download and open your fileas an editable Word document. Simply click on the text box, delete “Planner” and type whatever you’d like!

Some ideas are:

  • Your initials for a monogrammed look
  • Your full name
  • Your “teacher” name
  • Your first name
  • 您的名字和班级名称

You’ll noticethe teacher planner front and back cover包含三页 - 前盖,内部盖子和后盖。这样您就可以将外套粘贴到内部盖子上(您需要打印两个),以制作更“完成”的日记并提供额外的耐用性。您甚至可以选择层压盖子(只需仔细检查,可以通过在所选商店的层压贴上绑定可以绑定)。

Front of Diary – Information Central

Blush Blooms Teacher Planner

I chose to stick all the important stuff up front, where I can access it easily.

TheTitlepage is a great way to identify you as your planner’s loving owner. If you happen to lose it, you’ll want it returned ASAP so basic contact details go here.

TheImportant Informationpage is next up, and contains info-at-a-glance. Jot down crucial notes on student particulars, such as allergies and special needs. Write the extension numbers and email addresses of school admins and specialist teachers. This is a really great page for general information. You may like to also include one of these pages in your救援Teacher Folderfor days you’re absent.

TheContactspage is a quick reference for important contacts. It includes 27 spaces, which is great for parent contact for a class. If you have a larger class and require more space, simply print two to include.

Keep track of your students’ birthdays with theHappy Birthdaypage (which is available inportrait风景orientations, to suit your preference).

As with all of the resources in this pack, you may print these all off as PDFs and fill them in by hand, or download and save them as Word documents so that you can populate them digitally before printing.

Planning Essentials

Blush blooms teacher planner

All teachers have their own individual planning styles. As a graduate Prep teacher I loved to plan on a daily planner, so that I could fit lots of plans, observations and reflections on each page during the day. Once I became more experienced and moved into higher year levels, I preferred to plan on a weekly planning sheet, in note form, and record assessment on my computer instead of by hand in my planner.

TheBlush Blooms Teacher Diary Resource Packprovides several options for varied planning preferences, which truly makes it the best teacher planner ever!

我决定打印Term Dividerson heavier card stock to clearly define the four terms’ planning. After each divider I included aTerm Planner(these are conveniently available in 9, 10, and 11 week term versions, so you can select the ones you’ll need this year by checking out your state’s term dates).

Next, I printed the number ofWeekly Overviews我需要每个学期。

If you prefer to plan daily, you’ll need to print off the一日计划者sfor each week of each term. Your diary might be a bit bulky, so consider making a term-by-term diary (more info in tips, below).

Last But Not Least

Blush blooms teacher planner

Right up the back, I included all of myAssessment Trackersfor recording student progress. When teaching, I always found I needed a HEAP of these!

We’ve also designednotes pages in both linedblank版本。因此,如果您是名单上的人,请与衬里一起去,如果您是素描仪,请与空白一起使用!或像我一样混合,做一半又一半!

Also included in theBlush Blooms Teacher Diary Resource Packis aProfessional Development Recordpage. Print off a few for the back of your planner to record all of your professional learning to count towards your CPD points for your registration.

Having Your Teacher Planner Bound

After printing off and collating all of my pages in the order I preferred, I took everything to my localOfficeworksto have my planner bound.


Binding your planner will protect it, extending its life, and offers a professional, beautiful finish at a low cost.

Top Tips:

  • If you’re using the一日计划者sheets, you might like to make a teacher planner for each term. Some companies that provide binding services will only bind a limited quantity of paper. This also saves you lugging around a thick diary, and gives you flexibility should you decide to make changes throughout the year.
  • Some of our clever members use the planning sheets digitally, by downloading them to their devices and using a stylus to write in their information and planning.
  • 一日计划者smake really great relief teacher instruction sheets! Print off some sets to have on hand in case you need to take time away.
  • Keep a separate plastic sleeve ofAssessment Trackers(与学生的名字进行预先填充),以用作课堂列表。这些非常方便地在游览剪贴板上,以获取许可单返回跟踪,并在救济老师访问时作为临时卷。

So what are you waiting for? Hop on theBlush Bloomsbandwagon now, and create your best teacher planner ever with a little help from Teach Starter!



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