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What books do reluctant readers want to read?

Whether you are searching for books for boys, books for girls, or just the best books for kids, here is a collection that is sure to encourage a love of reading in some of those reluctant readers.

1)ANH DO的“ Weirdo”收藏

年龄:6-12岁 - 尽管我知道有些成年人也可以从阅读本系列中受到胜利。

“Weir Do is the new kid in school. With an unforgettable name, a crazy family and some seriously weird habits, fitting in won’t be easy… but it will be funny!” –anh做

It’s got the usual ‘bottom’ jokes, that kids seem to gravitate to! Why not use them in a way to encourage their love of reading, right? Awesome illustrations also keep the children interested.


There are eight books in the series, with the ninth due for release September 1, 2017.



This is sure to be a crowd-pleaser!

“Mr Wolf. Mr Shark. Mr Snake. Mr Piranha.

They’re bad guys, everybody knows that. They’re scary and dangerous and well… just BAD.

但是这些家伙想成为英雄。他们将通过做良好的行为来证明这一点……无论您是否愿意。为您读过的最有趣,最顽皮,最酷的书系好,是时候见到坏人了。” -亚伦·布拉贝(Aaron Blabey)

With some of the most rave reviews around, The Bad Guys series by Aaron Blabey won the Children’s Book of the Year at the 2016 INDIE Awards.


3) “Flat Stanley” collection by Jeff Brown

Ages: 9-12 years

“Stanley Lambchop is an ordinary boy. At least he was, until the night his bulletin board fell off the wall and flattened him. At only half an inch thick, Stanley can slide under doors, mail himself across the country in an envelope, and fly like a kite!”-Goodreads

Flat Stanley不仅是一个成功的儿童读物系列,还激发了世界各地儿童之间信件的写作和交流!平坦的史丹利项目connects classrooms across the globe, who send each other a ‘flat’ character. Students track and document their character’s journey, participating in exchanges via traditional mail, email or the Flat Stanley Project app.

4) The City of Ember Series by Jeanne DuPrau

Ages: 8 +

“The four Books of Ember tell the story of a city where it’s always dark. There’s no sun, no moon, no light at all unless the electricity is on. And the electricity is beginning to fail.

Is there a way to save the people of Ember? No one knows. But Lina Mayfleet has found a puzzling document, and Doon Harrow has made discoveries down in the Pipeworks. With these clues, they start their search.” –Jeanne DuPrau

该系列包含发人深省的主题,这些主题与当今的世界高度相关。Ember City凭借驾驶科幻神秘的叙述,是另一本书,非常适合有时不愿阅读的孩子。

5) The Land of Stories by Chris Colfer

Ages 8 – 12 years


But as Alex and Conner soon discover, the stories they know so well haven’t ended in this magical land—Goldilocks is now a wanted fugitive, Red Riding Hood has her own kingdom and Queen Cinderella is about to become a mother!” –Chris Colfer


6)安迪·格里菲斯(Andy Griffiths)和特里·丹顿(Terry Denton)的树屋系列

Ages 8-12 years

“安迪(Andy)和特里(Terry)的13层树屋是世界上最神奇的树屋!It’s got a bowling alley, a see-through swimming pool, a tank full of man-eating sharks, a giant catapult, a secret underground laboratory and a marshmallow machine that follows you around and shoots marshmallows into your mouth whenever you’re hungry.” –Andy Griffiths and Terry Denton


7)Garth Nix的Frogkisser

可怜的安雅公主。被迫与她邪恶的继母的新丈夫,邪恶的继父住在一起。不幸的是用魔术辅助的吻打破诅咒的能力。当她的继父决定使王国完全成为自己的王国时,被迫继续奔跑。”-Garth Nix

这是一个新鲜而激动人心的故事,有望成为“ 50%的童话,50%的幻想和100%的纯净享受!”

8)Jeff Kinney的Wimpy Kid系列日记

年龄:8 - 12岁

“这是一个新的学年,格雷格·赫夫利(Greg Heffley)发现自己进入了中学,在那里,弱小的弱者与更高,卑鄙且已经剃光的孩子共享走廊。格雷格在日记中记录下来,在准备好之前长大之前长大之前的危害是独特的。”-Jeff Kinney

Wimpy Kid系列的日记有11本书,将于2017年11月12日发行。在Greg的旅程之后,他在高中早期高中时,该系列也非常适合高年级学生。

9)Liz Pichon的Tom Gates系列

“I’m Tom Gates. When my teachers don’t have their BEADY EYES on me, I like to draw pictures and think of ways to annoy Delia. My teachers think I am easily distracted and “lack focus”. Which is a bit harsh, because right now I am VERY focused on which biscuit should I eat first… mmm?” –丽兹·皮琴(Liz Pichon)

Booktopia宣传汤姆·盖茨(Tom Gates)系列的书之一,并发出警告……“不要试图在公共场合阅读此书。你会大声嘲笑。”作为2011年罗尔德·达尔(Roald Dahl)有趣的奖项的冠军,这很可能是真的!

10)丹尼·卡茨(Danny Katz)的小午餐

丹尼·卡茨(Danny Katz)的小午餐系列

年龄:3 - 6年

丹尼·卡茨(Danny Katz)的《小午餐》系列是一个年轻的读者,这是关于一群孩子及其冒险经历的故事,这是在“小午餐”的十五分钟内。

在2015年,该系列是适用于电视在流行的喜剧类型中,“模仿”和ABC系列被称为澳大利亚最好的儿童节目之一(卡梅隆·威廉姆斯(Cameron Williams),监护人).



While there are many more excellent books around to help encourage kids who don’t usually enjoy reading, hopefully, this list will have given you a good place to start!

We also have an ever-growing catalogue ofreading and comprehension resources让老师和父母都用于支持学习。您可以找到一系列高质量的活动和工作表,可与孩子的爱一起使用!

Which books do you recommend for reluctant readers? Tell us in the comments below!



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