teaching resource

移动!- 长元音“ O” PowerPoint游戏

微软幻灯片软件|1 page|Years:1 - 2

An active PowerPoint game to practise reading and identifying long and short vowel ‘o’ words.

您的学生将喜欢练习阅读,并通过这个活跃的游戏来识别长元音“ O”单词!

How to Play

  • Students can write their answers on the recording sheet provided, in their workbooks or on whiteboards (for a paperless game).
  • Display Question 1 using ‘Slide Show’ mode and have the students record their answers. You can choose to complete the questions together or have the students complete them on their own for a fun assessment.
  • When you come to a MOVE IT slide, students stand and complete the exercise. Then they sit back down to prepare for the next question. This is a quick and simple game that requires no scorekeeping and gets the students up and moving!

A complete set of instructions and an answer key are included in the download.

该资源是由教师合作者劳伦·派珀(Lauren Piper)创建的。万博manbext手机官网下载


