

PDF|4 pages|年:1-4


用这个教学资源建造时词汇in the classroom.

学生完成每个匹配难题的homonym with its two matching pictures that represent the same sound and are spelt the same but have different meanings.

Print, cut and laminate each puzzle piece, then in small groups, ask the students to solve each puzzle.


The homonyms in this resource include:

  • ((在树上和狗的声音上
  • 海浪((in the ocean and the action made with a hand
  • glasses((戴在脸上以改善视线和饮酒的对象
  • ((飞机在天空中执行的动作和一个小黑昆虫
  • sign((attached to a pole in the street and when a person writes their name on an important document
  • 手表((戴在手腕上,以告诉时间以及用双筒望远镜看东西
  • 寒冷的((the temperature of an ice cube and when a person is sick
  • 蝙蝠((夜间动物和用于击球的物体
  • 胸部((a container to hold special items and a part of the body
  • scales((an instrument used for measuring and the outside of a fish
  • 正确的((when something is correct and when turning a particular direction
  • bowl((an object for eating food out of and when rolling a ball
  • row((在小船中使用桨和图中的线
  • light((打开以在黑暗和羽毛的质量中看到
  • stamp((放在信封的角落,并获得重要的事物的认可
  • 戒指((接听电话时电话的声音,并戴在手指上的物体)。


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