
Year 2

万博manbext手机官网下载Teach Starter的2年级工作表,活动,游戏,海报和PowerPoint的范围是专门为关键阶段的第二部分中的六至七岁设计的专门设计的。资源包含适合年龄的元素,例如清晰的布局,文本万博足球体育the correct level and interactive features that have been designed to consolidate their early years learning and take them towards the next level of their education. The Year 2 resources are aligned to the National Curriculum and there is something for every learning area. You can find maths activities that develop number bonds to 20 and increase the understanding of place value, English resources that help students attain accurate and speedy word reading skills and compose and write individual sentences, and so much more!

32 of 5,474 teaching resources for those 'aha' moments