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Photo of Jeanne Sager
更新| 4 min read


The teachers on the Teach Starter team have been right where you are, Googling like mad for help to make the science fair a success for their students. Good news! We’ve put together science fair project ideas for 5th graders and 3rd graders (as well as a few other grades!), suggestions on how to throw a successful science fair in elementary school, and more tips to ignite purpose and possibility in your classroom!

Print a free科学方法步骤的副本for each student to refer back to, or post it on your classroom wall!


Before we dive into the best science fair project ideas, it seems wise to take a look at exactly what makes a good science fair project. Students may focus on the fun — and fun is a wonderful aspect of science — but you want them to actually learn something through experimentation!

一个好的科学博览会项目应遵循科学方法或使用engineering design process。学生可以从科学问题建立或确定他们打算解决的问题。无论哪种方式,该项目都应集中于结果或特定期望。提醒学生,一个好的科学博览会项目是一个实验,而不是演示!


  1. A project title
  2. A question that the project answers
  3. 一个假设
  4. 材料清单
  5. An explanation of the experiment — what procedures were done to test the hypothesis?
  6. 结果报告
  7. Data analysis such as charts or graphs

帮助学生design their own experiment with a sequencing activity!

科学Fair Project Ideas


The answer to this question will also depend on the units you’ve covered in class and students’ access to materials. It’s important to give students guidelines so the project is appropriate for their grade and skill level to ensure students are activating their knowledge, rather than getting frustrated with a project that’s well beyond grade level. It’s also helpful to provide a list as it limits students to projects you know are largely safe — ahem, no mixing dangerous chemicals — and allows you to set up parameters that keep the playing field equal among students of different socioeconomic backgrounds.

Print a科学Safety Rules posterfor your classroom!

This list compiled by our Teach Starter teacher team is designed for use in elementary school or the lower middle school grades. Some of the science projects challenge students to test their understanding ofchemical reactions, others challenge students to use他们对能量的了解,同时更多地专注于研究水。每个人都有一些东西!

Feel free to pick and choose the science fair project ideas that are right for your classroom!

  1. Evaluate which type of sugar will turn into rock candy fastest — white granulated sugar, light brown sugar, or dark brown sugar.
  2. Test various substances to find out “what makes ice melt the fastest?”
  3. 评估“哪种口香糖味道持续最长?”
  4. Build an egg drop container out of common household items.
  5. Dissolve marshmallows in differentliquids确定哪种方法最有效。
  6. 将牛奶变成塑料。
  7. 创建塑料瓶潜艇,该潜水艇在水下推动。
  8. Test the effect of using different amounts of yeast in baking bread.
  9. 通过气球和苏打瓶测试评估细菌生长。
  10. 戳一根棍子,不弹出气球。
  11. 将孔戳入一瓶水中而不会导致泄漏。
  12. 发现哪种品牌的爆米花流行最好。
  13. 制作柠檬电池。
  14. 用土豆为时钟供电。
  15. 探索毛细管动作run uphill with an Archimedes screw.
  16. Bounce balls of different sizes and materials to determine which will bounce the highest.
  17. Use different solutions to determine what can make a gummy bear grow.
  18. Turn a hard-boiled egg into a cube.
  19. Measure the effects of various weights in a floating aluminum foil boat.
  20. 测试具有各种SPF评级的防晒霜的有效性。
  21. 在罐子里做龙卷风。
  22. Make a snowstorm in a jar.
  23. 在不同条件下测试冰淇淋,找出哪种冰淇淋融化fastest.
  24. Test the endurance of nail polish against different variables.

更多的科学Projects for Students

为需要额外帮助的学生寻找科学项目创意吗?学生可以根据以下任何实验进行构建,进行小型更改以检验全新的假设。例如,如果他们爱naked egg science experiment, a student might replace the vinegar used in the popular science project with other household liquids!

Image of Make an Eggshell Disappear - Science Experiment Booklet

teaching resource

Make an Eggshell Disappear - Science Experiment Booklet

Investigate chemical reactions with this hands-on experiment booklet.

万博manbext手机官网下载教学启动器出版 4页面 成绩:3-5
Image of Rainbow Water Density Tower - Science Experiment Booklet

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彩虹水密度塔 - 科学实验手册


万博manbext手机官网下载教学启动器出版 4页面
投掷,掉落,弹跳,滚动的图像 - 科学实验

teaching resource

Throwing, Dropping, Bouncing, Rolling - Science Experiment


万博manbext手机官网下载教学启动器出版 4页面 成绩:2-5
Image of Observing Conduction Science Experiment

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Observing Conduction Science Experiment


万博manbext手机官网下载教学启动器出版 5页面 年级:6

teaching resource

Kinetic and Potential Energy: Pendulum Experiment

A science experiment to use with your students when learning about kinetic and potential energy and work.

万博manbext手机官网下载教学启动器出版 6页面 年级:6
科学实验的图像 - 观察化学反应

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科学Experiment - Observing a Chemical Reaction

A science experiment that investigates chemical changes and the law of conservation of mass.

万博manbext手机官网下载教学启动器出版 5页面 年级:6

Don’t stop there. Explore more of our favorite science fair projects, experiment ideas, and more由教师创造的科学万博足球体育资源,为您的课堂做好准备!

Banner image via Shutterstock/Mama belle and the kids


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