



  • 行为——一个广泛收集的行为管理related teaching resources including posters and checklists for visual reminders of classroom expectations, organisational skills and classroom expectations with your primary students. There are also resources and instructional blogs that enable and detail effective classroom management strategies related to student motivation, rules and expectations, positive reinforcement and social skills.
  • 例程- 建立和维护每日课堂例程时要使用的万博足球体育资源集合。该产品包括通用日历模板,主题课堂任务图表,课堂作业图表,日常启动点,时间表以及课堂前和后期组织海报。在您的教室中展示这些资源,以万博足球体育提醒您的学生应该在哪里,工作是什么以及他们将全天做什么。
  • 目标和反馈- Help your students reach their learning goals with these helpful goal-setting and feedback teaching resources. Included in the collection are display posters, brag tags, visible learning goal PowerPoints, growth mindset resources and reflective thinking sentence starters. Also available are goals and 'I can' statements for English and Mathematics.
  • 小组组织- 小组组织资源的集合包括各种海报,工作表,表和角色描述卡,以在小组活动期间在课万博足球体育堂上显示和使用。当组织学生分万博足球体育为不同的小组或分配具有小组角色和职责的学生时,这些资源都可以在所有关键学习领域中使用。

The Benefits of Effective Classroom Management

  • 改善学生行为
  • 更好的教师关系
  • Greater academic achievement
  • A positive and orderly classroom environment that encourages students and academic engagement
Download your classroom management resources today!
