teaching resource

Goal Setting Template – Mountain

Teach Starter Publishing
PDF|1 page|成绩:3 - 6

A template for students to set goals.

Use this goal template to help students stay on track and work towards their learning goals.

Collaborate with students to set three accumulative learning goals. Write a shortened version of each goal in the top section and elaborate upon these goals in the bottom section.

Students fold the paper in half and stick it in the back of their workbooks or journals so the top section of the template can be unfolded and seen while working.

Check out our Iceberg Goal Setting Template below.

Image of Goal Setting Template – Iceberg

teaching resource

Goal Setting Template – Iceberg

A goal setting template where students identify the smaller aspects that they will focus on to achieve one main goal.

Teach Starter Publishing 1page 成绩:3 - 6


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