teaching resource

Number Talks - Hand Signal Poster Pack

Teach Starter Publishing
PDF|5 pages|成绩:PK - 5

A pack of 5 posters to teach students the basic hand signals used in number talks.

Theseeducational postersinclude the followingnumber talkshand signals:

  • I am thinking.
  • I have one solution!
  • I have more than one solution!
  • I agree.
  • I have a question.

Use these 5 number talk posters to encourage your students to use hand signals to show their thinking process during a number talk session. This strategy also prevents students from raising their hands or blurting out when they have found a solution, which can be intimidating and anxiety-inducing for those around them.

hand signal posters for number talks to reduce classroom calling out

While you’re at it, check out ourblurt buttonsor our general手势语教室海报— other great ways to curb calling out in the classroom!

Teach Starter Publishing

Teach Starter Publishing

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