teaching resource

Personal and Academic Goals Planning Sheet

Teach Starter Publishing
Google Slide, PDF|4 pages|成绩:4 - 6

Guide students in setting goals by helping them consider struggles and think of ways to overcome them, while reflecting on the benefits of pursuing personal growth.

When it comes to meeting a goal, every person has their ownmotivation.

Whether it’sintrinsic(the feeling that the achievement is its own reward), like finishing homework early so it’s not hanging over your head all evening…

extrinsic(an actual reward for an achievement), like getting $5 for every A on a report card…

Goal setting gives students a way to embrace agrowth mindsetand turn their desires into accomplishments.

This worksheet is best used as independent practice as part of a personal growth curriculum. It can also be completed with a guided small group, or done as a whole class activity by projecting the worksheet via smartboard.

More Goal Setting Strategies for Students

Got fast finishers or students who need more practice? Here are a few ideas to help you change the difficulty level of this worksheet.


Students who already understand this concept might intentionally create 2 personal goals and 2 academic goals, creating a multimedia piece to support the planning of their goals and to present the information to their class.

Scaffolding for Struggling Students

Students who are having difficulty completing this resource might be allowed to pick only some of the questions to answer. They may also be supported by drawing their ideas for a goal before beginning the writing for this resource.

Before You Download

Use the drop-down icon on the Download button to choose between the PDF or Google Slides version of this resource.

Because student responses may vary, an answer sheet is not included with this resource.

Make this worksheet more sustainable by printing a few copies on cardstock and slipping them into dry-erase sleeves. Students can record their answers with a dry-erase marker, then erase and reuse.

This resource was created by Saumirah McWoodson, a teacher in California and a Teach Starter Collaborator.

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