Classroom printables, activities & worksheets


Teach Starter's Grade 6 learning resources and activities have been specially designed for children aged 11 to 12 using both the Common Core and state-level guidelines. Each tool includes engaging yet accessible layouts, appealing images, and interactive elements to target your students' higher-order thinking skills. You can also be sure that our lessons, tools, and activities will successfully consolidate your students' upper years studies to smooth their transition to middle school.There are 6th grade-level math games, worksheets teaching presentations that develop fluency for all four operations, including long multiplication and division, fractions, decimals and percentages, geometry, and measurement. Our English Language Arts curriculum includes activities and frameworks to make reading and writing fluent and effortless. We've even got science experiments and guided learning activities, social studies lessons for geography and cultural awareness, art, health, and more!Use the Learning Areas button below to explore over 4,000 resources today.

32 of 4,657 teaching resources for those 'aha' moments