
Updated| 6 min read

The combination of administrative, classroom and co-curricular responsibilities in a teacher’s day-to-day life can really add up. By the end of the week, we are often left feeling emotionally and physically spent. It’s no secret that the emotional atmosphere of the classroom affects our students’ learning! Teacher wellbeing should be at the forefront of our minds, and for a good reason.

A few years ago I began to experience frequent panic attacks in the classroom. I would be standing in front of my Year Four class and have a racing heart, be short of breath and feel the urge to tell my (completely undeserving) students to leave me alone and figure things out for themselves. I needed to take stock of my behaviour and consider the causes behind my stress. I developed a strategy to more competently manage my mental health.

Teacher Wellbeing Poster and Checklist


我们的自由Teacher Wellbeing Checklistis a great place to start before you begin to feel the impact of mental strain. Slotting it into your diary for a monthly or even weekly self-check in makes for an easy-to-use way to monitor your emotional wellbeing.

将其与我们的免费教师健康海报的5个提示to encourage positive discussion in your staff room and get on the right track for a mentally healthy workplace!

World Mental Health Day - Teacher Wellbeing

World Mental Health Day


As teachers, we are often focused on the physical, emotional and mental wellbeing of the children in our care. We are nurturers by nature, and teacher wellbeing often falls off the radar. But just like oxygen masks in an airplane, it is only when we first take care of ourselves that we are fully fit to support those in our classroom.

Teacher Wellbeing Checklist


We’ve all been there. It’s 2.30pm on a Friday afternoon, and you and your class have pushed yourselves all week. They’re tired, you’re tired, and you’re both counting down the minutes until bell time, and the weekend! The problem is – you have two bags full of marking and planning to take home with you to complete before Monday.

How can you make sure you achieve all you need without draining every last drop in your mental engine?



Everyone has their own de-stressors, the things that make them instantly relax and feel rejuvenated.

Some ideas for an immediate stress reliever:

  • 步行10分钟。
  • Close your eyes and take ten deep breaths.
  • 可视化一个令人愉悦的场景,例如平静的海滩或您期待的活动。
  • Take a break from your computer screen or phone.
  • 放一些舒缓的音乐。
  • 进行一些着色。重复的动作,例如在着色,交叉缝制或制作珠宝时使用的动作已被证明可以减轻焦虑。这里有一些很棒的想法和资源万博足球体育正念着色到整个教室!

Have a Chat

Talking over issues you are having at work with a colleague or mentor is a great way to resolve a problem. Sometimes just talking over something out loud can help you untangle a tricky issue, and your conversation partner might help you see something from a different point of view! If you don’t feel comfortable talking to someone at work, see if your school has anEmployee Assistance Program这可以让您客观地与之交谈。

Teacher Wellbeing - Have a Chat

Have a Good Work/Life Balance

Switch Off Your Email
Being available online 24/7 can open you up to communications that can leave you excited or stressed about work, which can shift the mood of your whole weekend. It’s important to set yourself a ‘switch-off’ time. Make sure that students and their families know that you will not be available, but that you’ll get back to them as soon as your work week begins again.

Set Realistic Expectations – It’s OK to Say ‘No’

Choose One Activity For Yourself A Week
Choosing an activity just for you one day a week can help you disconnect from the stresses of work. Taking up yoga, meeting a friend for coffee, or going to a movie are simple ways to decompress from your busy week.

Teacher Wellbeing -Switch-off

Take Care of your Physical Wellbeing

Studies have shown a close link between yourphysical and mental health。There are a plethora of articles on the internet providing tips and advice on how to nourish your physical wellbeing. Some of the major things to take care of include:

  • 足够的睡眠。Adults in the 18 – 65 age bracket need between 7 – 9 hours of sleep a night. A good night’s sleep can boost productivity during the daylight hours so that you’ll be working smarter, not harder.
  • 吃均衡的饮食。Eating abalanced diet为您的身体(包括大脑)提供正常运作所需的营养。别忘了喝大量的水!
  • Be active.Exercise produces endorphins which send a boost of positivity to your brain. Research suggests that 30 minutes of moderate to intensephysical activity一周中的大多数日子会导致心理功能的增加,包括记忆和学习能力的提高。如果您的时间或动力不足,请将30分钟的时间划分为10或15分钟。更好的是,加入社交体育团队同时结交新朋友!

Teacher Wellbeing - healthy-eating

Practice Mindfulness

如果您不熟悉正念, it involves actively and intentionally focusing on the present moment. Being aware of the things around you and the physical and emotional sensations that your body is experiencing.

Mindfulness is as simple as observing your class and each child without judgement. Your class doesn’t have to be perfectly still and quiet for you to do this! Mindfulness is not about being in a completely serene and peaceful environment. It is about finding the calm amongst the chaos. The benefits ofteaching mindfulnessto your class include increased focus, reduced stress, and in improvement in academic performance.

Our正念教学资源包provides some wonderful resources to practice the art of mindfulness in your classroom. At the end of the year, you can even complete our free年终正念自我反思资源可以库存过去十二个月,并更加仔细地为明年做准备!

Image of Mindfulness Activity Task Cards




Teach Starter Publishing 9页s Years:P - 6




Teach Starter Publishing 1 Years:3 - 7
Image of Mindful Breathing - Guided Meditation Script


Mindful Breathing - Guided Meditation Script


Teach Starter Publishing 1
Image of Pattern Colouring In (Version 2)




Teach Starter Publishing 1 Years:2 - 7

R U ‘Still’ OK?

像R u Ok Day和世界心理健康日这样的日子是阐明心理健康问题的绝佳方式。但是,仍然可以做更多的事情,以进一步减少围绕心理健康的污名。

It’s important to realise that EVERY day can be an opportunity to take stock of the mental health of yourself and those around you!

与您的学生,同事和家人一起签到,以了解他们定期的情况。使用我们的R U OK Dayresources all year around and open up discussions about your own mental health to ensure you’re taking care of your own teacher wellbeing and the wellbeing of those around you.

Teacher Wellbeing - Look-Out-For-Your-Friends-Posters

为一个伟大的见解如何支持自己nd other’s mental health this World Mental Health Day, listen to The Teach Starter podcast ‘For the Love of Teaching’. Bron has put together a very special episode,‘世界心理健康日|米奇·沃利斯(Mitch Wallis),我的袖子上的心

Let’s banish the stigma of mental health and get on the path to a happier, healthier classroom! What steps have you taken to improve your mental health? Comment below to share your experiences!



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