teaching resource

Exploring Subtraction Strategies PowerPoint

Teach Starter Publishing
PowerPoint, PDF|41 pages|Years:3

A 41-slide teaching presentation to use when exploring subtraction strategies.

Thisteaching presentation, which includes animations, has been designed to explain a variety of commonly usedmental computationstrategiesforsubtraction.

Before moving on to the written vertical algorithm for subtraction, lay a strong foundation and understanding of these mental computation strategies.

As there are a number of strategies covered in this presentation, it is assumed that the slides will be viewed over numerous lessons.

The following strategies are addressed:

  • counting back
  • counting on
  • using known facts such asrainbow facts,doubles, subtracting 10
  • making tens (partitioningto numbers that end in zero)
  • usingfact familiesto think addition in order to subtract
  • jump strategy
  • split strategy
  • regrouping (trading).

This PowerPoint includes hyperlinks to the following subtraction teaching resources:


Teach Starter Publishing

Teach Starter Publishing

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