teaching resource

Mystery Pattern Grids (Multiplication)

Teach Starter Publishing
PDF|21 pages|Years:3 - 6

Students solve multiplication facts, interpret grid coordinates and draw shapes to reveal a mystery picture.

This set of ten mystery pattern grids allow your students to practise multiplication and grid referencing skills while slowly revealing a mystery picture.

Students can use the Shape Grid page for all ten worksheets! They check this grid for the answers to themultiplicationfacts they solve. Each answer corresponds with a shape to be drawn in the grid on their worksheet.

Fun Multiplication Worksheets

Students follow the instructions below to complete each worksheet.

  1. Determine the product of the two numbers.
  2. Use this number to find the matching shape on the Shape Grid.
  3. Draw the shape inside the correct square of the Mystery Pattern Grid by using the questions coordinates.

Incorporating Grid Reference Systems

Each question has a coordinate that the students must interpret, which allows them to position the shape in the correct location.

Once all questions have been solved, a shape will have been placed into each square of the grid, creating a picture! Note: Some squares will remain blank as indicated on the Shape Grid.

Answer sheets for each page are included in the resource. They show the correct multiplication facts and how the completed mystery pattern should look.


Teach Starter Publishing

Teach Starter Publishing

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  • Zuriette Du Plessis

    This looks very interesting. Thank you.

    • Holly (Teach Starter)

      You're most welcome Zuriette!