teaching resource

Units of Time Poster

Teach Starter Publishing
PDF|1 page|Years:F - 1

A poster highlighting how we measure time in days, weeks, months and years.

Print this Units of Time poster out in A3 or larger. Display it in your classroom so students can refer to it when learning about days, weeks and months.


Teach Starter Publishing

Teach Starter Publishing

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  • Tanya Charsley
    Would it be possible to have another poster in the same style showing seconds, minutes and hours?
    • Kristian
      Hi Tanya, Thanks for your suggestion. Please feel free to request a resource here: //www.yilangbao.com/request-a-resource/ Requests are voted on by the Teach Starter community. We create the top request each week. Please let me know if you have any further questions, I'm more than happy to help.
  • Barbara O'Keeffe
    This resource is fantastic!
  • Alexandra Urquhart
    This is perfect! Thank you very much!!

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