teaching resource

Year 3 Numeracy Exit Tickets – Worksheets

Teach Starter Publishing
Word, PDF|1 page|Years:3

21 Numeracy Exit Ticket activities for students to provide evidence of their learning progress.

Thisteaching resourceis an assessment tool for students to show evidence of their learning. Use Exit Tickets after a numeracy skill has been taught, as a way to show evidence that students have acquired the skill, and are ready to move forward to the next learning goal.

These Numeracy Exit tickets collect evidence for basicYear 3 curriculum requirements. Use the editable word version to create your own class-specificlearning goals.


Teach Starter Publishing

Teach Starter Publishing

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  • Roberta Smeagal
    There is an error in the web copy for this resource. It uses they as a pronoun without specifying a subject and needs an 'are' before ready. 'Use Exit Tickets after a numeracy skill has been taught, as a way to show evidence that STUDENTS have acquired the skill and ARE ready to move forward to the next learning goal.
    • Tom (Teach Starter)
      Hi Roberta, Thank you for letting us know! The resource description has been updated. If we can assist with anything else, please don't hesitate to contact us.

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