
Updated| 8 min read


In the true spirit of making your life easier and bringing some creative buzz to your classroom, I have found some brilliant IKEA hacks just for teachers! And when you’ve finished here check out Holly’s popular blog聚焦老师骇客你会喜欢的

Flying Dart Game


这个超级酷Lustigt Dart游戏can be used as the ultimate IKEA hack for teachers. The game includes a reversible dartboard so that you can use it to teach colours and numbers. Also included in the game are six cute figures that have a touch-and-close fastening on top. So they can be thrown easily and will stick to the board.


要使用此游戏来教授位置价值,请下载我们的3位滚动,制作,扩展它!- 地点价值工作表鼓励您的学生:

  • throw the figures to generate a 3 digit number.
  • 使用基本Tens块构造数字。
  • 扩展数字以显示数字的值。



这个整洁Flisat书籍显示allows your students to reach tissues, hand sanitizer and sunscreen. It’s lightweight and the perfect size to place in the reading corner. In fact, you could put it just about anywhere as a gentle reminder to up levels of personal hygiene.


  • 数学旋转工具箱
  • 教师办公桌组织者
  • portable marking box.




您不会出错这个讨价还价$ 2.49Stomma壁钟白色,因为它是理想的尺寸,没有令人不安的滴答声!我与我们合作时钟标签 - “过去”和“ to”进行胜利的课堂展示!

As you can see, this handy template helps students to read the time on an analogue clock using the language of ‘past’ and ‘to’. And to support learning, each side has been colour coded. Also, you’ll find ‘past’ and ‘to’ arrows to help consolidate knowledge of the ‘clockwise’ direction.

有关更多时钟想法,请阅读Bron的博客9 Clock Hacks to Make Your Classroom Buzz!

Number Hop

您知道您可以在宜家找到儿童游戏吗?当我偶然发现这个Lustigt Floor游戏我看到了无尽的教学可能性!这个活跃的游戏is ideal to use as a数学热身,,,,brain breakor a small group activity during maths groups.

As you can see, this game can be varied infinitely! Why not challenge upper years students to create their own rules for a maths game.


  • Select a card from the pile of基本的事实卡并计算答案。
  • Roll the dice and hop the corresponding number of places shown on the dice.
  • 应用程序ly the operation shown on the floor mat to their basic fact card answer.
  • 继续玩,直到学生登陆“ F”地板垫子。

Stylish Storage

您是否永远失去董事会笔?我发现这个时尚KNALLBÅGE Hanging organiser,这是确保您的教师配饰安全的完美选择。

这super handy pocket storage can be:

  • 挂在员工椅子的扶手上
  • 附着在桌子椅的背面
  • hooked on the classroom wall or behind a door
  • 固定在您的白板上。




唯一的问题是它们可能很昂贵。因此,我发现了完美的宜家黑客,以在预算中创建便宜而开朗的坐姿。我喜欢这些$ 1.99奶酪的地方垫,黑色,红色和灰色。它们是理想的尺寸(37厘米),并且在大多数楼层上都有防滑抓地力。


与我们的视力圈很容易几何波西米亚风 - 明星学生徽章(enlarged).简单地,用粘性TAC固定它们,以便您将它们混合并移动它们!


Are you tired of the sound of rolling dice? If you are then this IKEA hack could be the answer. These cheap and cheerful奶酪的地方垫are ideal to use as dice mats.

以$ 1.99的价格讨价还价,您可能可以为一小群学生甚至整个班级购买足够的购买。哦,别忘了看这个受欢迎的乘以它或分开!棋盘游戏合适的或上年的学生。非常适合数学轮换。

哈,我只是想 - 您甚至可以使用这些餐垫来教授分数或角度!

宜家黑客 - 翻盖框架


Both of these frames are double-sided so they tick the boxes for flip frames or single page displays!

Simply print out any of our resources on 4 to a page, or even 2 to a page for the Revsund frame. Then use a little sticky tack to sit them where you want them to fit in the plastic protector. Alternatively, use some hinged rings to make some flipbooks!

您可能会有一些宜家的Tolsby框架漂浮在周围。即使它们不再在店内可用,我们的Tolsby Frame教学资源也非常适合新的Fiestad和Revsund框架!万博足球体育这里有一些关于如何使用它们的好主意。




宜家黑客 - 文具存储

我们喜欢这种臭名昭著的宜家的巧妙使用Råskog手推车经过@misswclassroom。这个trolley is the perfect height for little people and a great storage solution for stationery. It’s the perfect accessory for any makerspace, literacy center or creative corner.

Top tip: Establish a student helper system to keep the classroom craft tray tidy.


宜家Hacks – Flexible Seating

孩子们喜欢有灵活的座位选择。@abcswithmrsg通过使用宜家创建具有不同座位选择的阅读角,做得很好BUNSÖ c希尔德伦的简单椅子

有关课堂上灵活座位安排的好处的更多信息,并偷看一些鼓舞人心的教室阅读我们的博客A Student-Designed Flexible Seating Classroom Tour

宜家黑客 - 书籍显示


我喜欢这个Flisat Doll's House/Wall架子(并在我女儿的卧室里有一个)。在我发现此之前,我没有考虑过在课堂上使用它@ThealChemicalClassroom呢将道具和数字添加到展示中以激发阅读和写作的奇妙想法。宜家黑客是最好的。

宜家黑客 - 家长通讯委员会


宜家黑客 - 语音轮


宜家lustigt以$ 19.99的价格讨价还价的“财富之轮”游戏可以转变为语音轮,单词轮或车轮。您甚至可以连接名称标签来创建随机名称生成器!


宜家黑客 - 水瓶存储

One of my favourite IKEA hacks is the clever use of thisSkubb吊鞋组织者with 16 useful pockets. They are such a bargain at $5.49 each and they can be used in so many ways!


宜家Hacks – Parent Pockets

Say goodbye to abandoned or lost parent notes! If you’re a Prep or Foundation teacher, you could make your teacher life a lot easier by joining two together with a few velcro dots and creating the all-time parent pockets.

Parent pockets are one of my top ten must-haves for early years classroom organisation. They can be used to pass on notes for individual students as well as for parents to access take-home letters and important information. You’ll find it so much easier to post take-home letters, notes and flyers into these easy to reach parent pockets. What’s more, parents and guardians will love you for it too!





