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Photo of Alison Smith

Teachers, right now you may be feeling exhausted. I’ve written this blog to remind you thatyou are incredible


1. Teachers Are Silent Heros




Then there’s the teacher’s guilt. How will your students cope without you? Will the lesson be taught as well as you would do it? Will your less confident students get the support that they need? Who will coordinate your after-school sports session?

在那些唯一的选择时,请减轻压力并使用我们Relief Teaching Folder (For Classroom Teachers)。下载这个无与伦比的teaching resourcenow and collate all the information and resources relief teachers may need when they come into your classroom in one organised folder!

3. Teachers Give the Most Important Gift of All


4. Teachers Make a Record Number of Decisions

Teachers make a huge number of decisions each day, much like a manager but without the pay. Teacher decisions are both big and small, but every one of them is as important to your students as the last. From grading students to deciding whether to use messy paint or easy crayons, teachers make seemingly endless decisions each day.




I don’t know of any other profession in which it is the norm to eat your lunch in four minutes while supervising a large crowd of small humans, in a high-risk open space. How is that indigestion going?

7. Teachers Have Bladders of Steel





Teachers have the patience of a saint. That is all.


Teachers are not just educators, they are also carers and mentors to their students. Not everyone realises that teachers often help and support their students to beat the odds in challenging times at school and in their home life. Your class is like your extended family and you are incredible.


Have you ever heard a teacher say that they can’t imagine doing any other job? Many teachers say that they didn’t choose the job, but rather that the job chose them.




Teachers use kung fu to teach punctuation and games to teach mathematics. You are the magician and an incredible one at that.

14. Teachers Work Massive Hours



As Nelson Mandela says, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”

16. Teachers Help Children to Discover Themselves

Teachers provide their students with the opportunity and classroom experience to discover themselves. From strengths and weaknesses to likes to dislikes, teachers help their students to develop emotional intelligence and to find out who they are.

17. Teachers Never Give Up

Teachers never give up on students. Instead, they think of yet another strategy to make the light bulb switch on. Teachers never give up on themselves or each other. Theykeep moving forward, however bad the day was. You are incredible.



19. Teachers Are Crafty


20. Teachers Do What They Do From the Heart

It’s no secret teaching is a low-paid profession. If you’re not doing it for the money, you are doing it from the heart. You are incredible.

Have You Shared This Incredible Secret?


学年或学期结束是一个很好的时机告诉你的colleaguesthat they are incredible.分享此博客并为朋友标记,因为您在乎。

谁不喜欢手写卡来提醒他们他们有多难以置信?你不会出错新的设计精美,Teacher Colleagues Thank You Cards。他们是由老师的友情设计的。从八个不同消息之一中选择,在背面写一个个性化的注释,然后将它们发布到员工鸽洞中as a lovely surprise.

对于那个额外的特殊老师朋友,他通过厚实的瘦身为您提供了支持,为什么不给他们一个周到的礼物并附上我们的新人之一Teacher Colleague Gift Tags

Do one very special thing today and let your teacher friends know that they are incredible.

In the spirit ofcamaraderie,分享此博客,并提醒您的同事,他们的特殊性以及教师令人难以置信的许多原因。

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