
Captain Yet Goal Tracker (Pirate Nup Version) – Template



字符船长和海盗Nup有important friendship. Pirate Nup often finds himself feeling helpless to the challenges of learning. Captain Yet is a fantastic friend and has a way to help Pirate Nup see that challenges will often have solutions, they just may take time. The purpose of Captain Yet is to help students use a成长心态可以看出,有学习挑战的解决方案以及如何使用独立且足智多谋的策略来找到这些挑战。

在this教学资源, students are able to write theirgoals and trackthe progressions and challenges they have faced. The teacher can use this as a conferencing tool, or as adesk plate让学生看看他们在学习旅程中的位置。学生在虚线中剪掉了迷你船,然后将其移动以跟踪他们的学习进度。将它们层压用作多重用户台板或用作其工作簿中的日志跟踪器。该资源旨在与海盗NUP的奥德赛海报

Steps include:

  • 目标,我正在学习
  • I cannot … yet
  • 对我的挑战可能是
  • 我解决了这个问题
  • 成功我现在可以。

Check out our other Captain Yet themed resources in our船长尚未资源收集


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