teaching resource

Glorious Grammar Volume 1 - Worksheet Book

Teach Starter Publishing
PDF|3 pages|Years:2 - 5

50 activities in one booklet which all revolve around learning grammar in the classroom.

Thisteaching resourceprovides 50 activities that are focused ongrammarin the classroom. This book is designed have a grammar focus each week and 5 activities per week, for 10 weeks.

These topics include:

You can integrate these grammar tasks with your existinggrammarand spelling rotations. At the end of each week, The Grammar Sentence Challenge worksheet is designed to be used as an end of the week summative assessment activity to see how students are putting their grammar into their writing.

This resource is aligned withParagraph Study Interactive PowerPoint. Download and use theGlorious Grammar Volume 1: Teacher Notesfor advice on how to use the two together in the classroom.


Teach Starter Publishing

Teach Starter Publishing

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