teaching resource

Measurement Conversion Scoot Game

Teach Starter Publishing
PDF|1 page|Years:2 - 6

A set of 24 measurement conversion task cards to use as a whole class scoot activity.

Use this whole class activity to review or reinforcemeasurement conversions within the customary and metric systems,同时仍然活跃。

How to play a Scoot Game:

  1. Print out the task cards and student recording sheet. Cut out the task cards and place one card on each desk or tape on the walls around the room. Make sure the cards are placed an equal distance apart and in order from 1–24.
  2. Give each student a recording sheet to write their answers on. Assign each student a number (1–24) as their starting card.
  3. Provide an allotted amount of time for students to answer each card. Make sure to remind students to write their answer in the numbered box that matches the number on their card. Only 1 student in the room will begin writing their answers starting at #1. When time for each card is up, use a signal (e.g. blow a whistle, ring a bell, clap your hands, flick the lights on and off) to tell the students to move to the next card.
  4. Students will move in the same direction and follow numerical order, e.g. if a student is at card #5, they will move to card #6 when the teacher gives the signal.
  5. Play continues until the students return back to the card they started at.

This resource can also be used as a maths rotation activity to reinforce measurement conversion. Simply use them as task cards instead of scoot.

This resource includes:

  • 24 task cards
  • 1 student recording sheet
  • 1 answer key.

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Teach Starter Publishing

Teach Starter Publishing

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