teaching resource

Parts of Speech Card Game – Lower Years Classroom Game

Teach Starter Publishing
PDF|7 pages|Years:F - 2

A card game for nouns, verbs and adjectives.

Each player is dealt 7 cards and the remaining cards are placed face down in the middle of the group. This forms the draw pile. Players turn over the top card of that pile and place it face up to form the discard pile.

When it’s your turn, place a card on the discard pile. Your card must have either the same colour or same part of speech ie. verb, noun or adjective, or you may place a wild card down and change the colour.

Players must follow the directions of cards such as draw 2, reverse or skip.

Please note: This pack has N, V, A symbols in the top left of the card, so younger students may easily identify nouns, verbs and adjectives. A more challenging version is also available.


Teach Starter Publishing

Teach Starter Publishing

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