teaching resource

Roll and Colour Worksheet - One More, One Less

Teach Starter Publishing
PDF|2 pages|Years:1 - 2

An interactive worksheet to practise finding the number that is 1 more and 1 less than a given number.

Use this interactive worksheet to practise mentally finding the number that is 1 more or 1 less than a given number up to 100.

Students roll a number cube and solve a problem based on their number. Then they find the answer and colour it in. This resource would be great to use as a maths group rotation or as independent work after a lesson.

How to Differentiate This Resource for Your Students:

  • For students struggling with this skill, provide a hundreds chart and a counter for them to use. Students will place the counter on their starting number and either add or subtract 1. This will allow them to begin to see the patterns in our number system.
  • For students who need a challenge, why not make it a competition? Partner up two students and have them take turns rolling and colouring. The first student to complete their chart wins!

This resource was created by Lauren Piper, a Teach Starter Collaborator.


Teach Starter Publishing

Teach Starter Publishing

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