teaching resource

失踪的蒙娜丽莎– Chapter 8: Process of Elimination – Resource Pack

PDF|5 pages|Years:2 - 6

完成蒙娜丽莎(Mona Li万博足球体育sa)冒险的第8章所需的一包资源。

Please note: These resources have been designed to be used solely with ourThe MissingMona Lisa– Integrated Learning Adventure.

The resource pack includes:

  • Email 6 – Detective Le Gall- 侦探的一封电子邮件,指示冒险经纪人撰写有说服力的文字,这将说服巴黎高等法院法官允许搜查玛格尔的公寓。下载中有此资源的颜色和黑白版本。
  • New Evidence File for Folder – Inventory item: 0014- 埃文(Evan)从卢浮宫拍摄的照片。
  • Persuasive Writing Scaffold– Provide each Adventure Agent with a persuasive writing scaffold or display it on the interactive whiteboard.


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