Searching made easy on Teach Starter

Discover the perfect resource with our advanced and easy-to-use search features.

Search for resources on Teach Starter

You can search Teach Starter for resources, just like you can search for websites on a search engine (e.g. Google or Bing). To start a search, enter a keyword (e.g. "maths") in the search bar on the Teach Starterhomepageand press theenter key(or return key). The search bar is also located at the top left of any page on the Teach Starter site.

Get Search results faster

When you start a search on Teach Starter, you can quickly find matching resources with search predictions (suggestions). Our search predictions help you find resources faster by providing related resource collections, learning areas, and curriculum matches (e.g. Australian Curriculum Alignment). Click on any of these options, and our resources will be filtered automatically for you.

如果你看不到一根火柴,总统s theenter key(or return key) or click "new search with no filters" to view matches to your search term.

Refine your search with filters

Our search bar also allows you to select from a variety of filters after a keyword search has begun, includingyear level,learning area,collections,resource availability, and more. Simply click on our dropdown filter menus once you have searched for a term, and you will be able to narrow down your search further to show the resources that are relevant to you. A green filter box means that a filter is currently applied; grey boxes are defaulted to show all resources. We've even made it possible to select to filter resources for multiple year levels at once for teachers who may have composite classes.

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