Curious to Know What's Happening Behind the Scenes?

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我们的核心业务是创造出色的教学资源,不仅可以节省您的时间,而且您的学生喜欢!万博足球体育在过去的几周中,Teach Starter团队上传了许多精万博manbext手机官网下载彩的新零件。这儿是一些精彩片段:

  • Year 4 Geography Units
    由斯蒂芬(Steph),阿里(Ali)和克里斯蒂安(Kristian)(我们的熟练和经验丰富的老师团队)创建,本年4个地理单位每个由10 x 60分钟的课程计划,一项与课程一致的评估任务以及许多支持教学资源的支持,包括PowerPoint演示,学生活动,学生活动万博足球体育和信息图海报。

  • 游戏大富翁
    During the Commonwealth Games we took the word “games” and ran with it. With Holly’s trademark enthusiasm pushing us along (and a Commonwealth Games theme decorated office to boot!) we held our very own Teach Starter “Games Bonanza”. The team worked SO hard during the fortnight, producing and publishing 35 brand新的教室游戏
  • “推理V预测”课程和资源万博足球体育
    This host of resources is thanks to teacher Kristian and designers Boaz, Errol and John! Including a60 minute lesson planand aPowerPoint presentation, these new Inference teaching resources include beautiful original illustrations and fantastic activities that will have your students understanding the difference between inference and prediction in no time.


The Teach Starter characters are cute, don’t get me wrong, but we are so proud to be able to bring you more glimpses into the people and the work behind all that Teach Starter is. In this little video, meet Boaz.

You can also ‘meet the rest of the Teach Starter team on our newAbout Teach Starter页!

3. BETA Spirit of Learning Conference

If you’re a beginning teacher in or around Brisbane, there’s a chance you saw us at the Beginning and Establishing Teacher’s AssociationSpirit of Learningconference last weekend! Scott, Holly, Kristian and I enjoyed meeting hundreds of enthusiastic teachers (even though the TS goodie bags were probably more appealing than just a plain old chat with us… haha!).



As always, Holly our social media guru has been teeing up giveaways for you guys left, right and centre!

Since the last “What’s New at Teach Starter HQ” post, we’ve given away:

  • 希尔顿的学习票和住宿精神
  • 当我们在Instagram上庆祝35K时,10个终极计划会员资格!
  • 松鼠包礼品包
  • Bean Me Up的“教室豆包”

To ensure you don’t miss out on our regular giveaways, be sure to follow us onInstagramandFacebook

5. New Teach Starter Office in the Works!

最后但并非最不重要的一点是,我们很高兴分享我们的新办公室的新闻!当我们目前在布里斯班内城区的办公室是一个可爱的办公室,但我们简单地将其超过了。有更多的孩子意味着您需要一个更大的房子,对吧?在接下来的几个月中,我们的惊人新办公室将被安装,为Teach Starter团队准备好搬进来。几周前,我们有机会参观了新办公室,并以其所有宽敞的荣耀沐浴!万博manbext手机官网下载




