开学第100天Activities to Celebrate the Big Day

Photo of Jeanne Sager
Updated| 5 min read


想知道开学100天的起源并正在寻找一些新的100天活动吗?We can’t tell you the exact date of the 100th day of school — it may vary from school to school depending on when your school year started, how long your school breaks have been, and if you have had any snow days — but we can tell you a little bit about the history and share some creative ideas from our teacher team!


First up, a little history lesson. Although there are disagreements about the exact origins of the 100th Day of School, there are two leading theories about where it came from:

  1. One popular theory is that a名叫林恩·泰勒(Lynn Taylor)的老师introduced the celebration for kindergarten in the 1981-82 Newsletter of the Center for Innovation in Education. Taylor is said to have been inspired by Sesame Street, in particular a magic trick performed by Count Von Count, who turned 100 pennies into a dollar as part of a magic trick. The
  2. 这开学第100天may also have起源于玛丽·巴拉塔·莱顿, a California teacher whose books about teaching primary-grade math had a major impact on how kids learned mathematics in the 1970s and ’80s.

How Do You Celebrate the 100th Day of School?

您如何庆祝开学的第100天就是您所拥有的创造力水平 - 让我们面对现实,您必须承诺体验的时间。一月份受到大量降雪天的打击?您可能无法在第100天的活动上花费太多的指导时间。再说一次,如果您要远程教授,那么当100岁的孩子出现在Zoom上时,您的孩子可以打扮可能只是您的班级需求的一种士气!

We came up with a variety of 100th Day of School activities that can work for big 100th day celebrations, plus some smaller ways to mark this momentous day in the school calendar.


100 Days of School Tracker Classroom Poster

When you’re nearing the 100th Day of School on the calendar, a quick activity that will take almost no time out of the school day is tracking the number of days that have passed and calculating how many days are left until you hit 100.

您可以下载我们的可打印100 Days of School Tracker poster并将其包括在您的早晨例行活动中,或使用冰棒棒跟踪日子,并教学生在十点钟将棍子捆绑在一起。这是向您的学生介绍地位价值概念的绝佳方法。

100th Day Snap Cube Challenge

We love having kids用快照立方体制作10and plenty more, so why not pull these manipulatives for a 100th Day challenge? Provide students with 100 cubes, and challenge them to see what they can build?

开学第100天Certificates or Badges

Providing your students with a100天的学校证书可以为每个孩子提供一种成就感,并为他们带来“奖品”带回家向父母或监护人炫耀。远程教学?没关系 - 这些证书可以以数字方式发送给每个学生!


或者,您可以提供100th day of school badge给你的每个学生。使用安全别针或更好的是,在贴纸纸上复制这些模板,以便不需要安全销!将一件贴在每个孩子的衬衫上。


This is idea may have been around for a while now, but it never gets old for the kids who get to have a little fun dressing up the way they imagine a 100-year-old would. You can also ask the principal if they’ll dress up like a geriatric person to make a visit that will leave your kiddos giggling all day long.


用一对学生拍照100 Days of School glassesand100 Days Smarter Hat并将其照片贴在其中之一100 Days of School display banners

Take 100 Steps Around the Classroom


Create a “100 Of” Anchor Chart

What would your students want 100 of? Cats? Footballs? Create an锚图with your students listing all the things they’d like to have in serious bulk!

100 Days of School Mini Activity Booklet


100th day of school activity book

Activities in the booklet include:

  • 学生在一组数字中找到数字100。
  • Students creating their very own crazy creature.
  • Students completing 100 different workouts.
  • Students completing the sentence: ‘If I had 100 legs I would…’
  • Students coloring 100 gumballs.
  • 学生们画出了100岁那年的样子。


将上学的第100天纳入写作活动 - 提供提示,展示学生在开学前100天的进步。

With the100 Days writing template,学生们完成了“我更亮100天,因为……”然后他们可以装饰孩子的头和手,并将其固定在写作模板上以显示在课堂上。

100 days of school writing activity

100 Days of School Project Ideas

想分配一个基于100天开学的项目?以下是一些可能正确的想法 - 取决于您的学生年龄!

  • Look up how to say “hello” in 100 languages.
  • Write 100 reasons they would want to be 100 (or would not want to be 100).
  • 在100s图表上算出100块糖果,就像这样的乐趣以糖果为主题的图表

Check out our第100天的学校资源包对于我们的模板的完整集合,活动,and more to celebrate the 100th day of school with your students.



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