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认识Teach A万博manbext手机官网下载nter US团队!

Photo of Holly (Teach Starter)
更新|3 min read

万博manbext手机官网下载教入门者’s vision is toinspireevery child to build a purposeful and happy life through learning. We create amazing teaching resources thatsave teachers hours each weekpreparing for the classroom. Our US team has been busy planning and creating resources that will help US teachers get ready for back-to-school! So, we thought we’d introduce the hard workers behind the amazing ideas…

Meet Natalie

Natalie, or Nat as we call her, has公立学校系统的经验19年并是2018年12月加入Teach Starter US团队的第一位成员。万博manbext手机官网下载在加入我们的团队之前,她是一名老师10年,然后她完成了五年的教学教练(PK-5年级),最后四年助理校长着重于德克萨斯州奥斯汀市以外的一个小型学区的课程和教学,名为Del Valle I.S.D.

她的经验在她帮助创造的惊人可打印资源中闪耀。万博足球体育NAT是Teach Starter如何用高质量,可下载的资源来万博manbext手机官网下载帮助教师时间的巨大拥护者。万博足球体育

When teaching, Nat loved getting to interact with students on a daily basis, letting them know that someone cared and was in their corner no matter what.


即使她在学习新知识时就错过了他们脸上的兴奋,但帮助老师和学生就是她的热情,她喜欢她能够在Thend Starter上做到这一点!万博manbext手机官网下载


Garrett is another of ourteachersworking in the Teach Starter US office. Before starting with Teach Starter, Garrett was a 5th Grade Language Arts and Social Studies teacher. He also has experience teaching Preschool, Math, and Science at various grade levels.

His favorite part about being a teacher was making learning fun and interactive – which shines through in the resources he helps create for busy teachers! Engagement of his students was of utmost importance to him while teaching and he loved watching it happen while he taught.

One aspect he misses about being in the classroom is changing students’ mindset about school and learning.

“I had many students who had never enjoyed school, I even had a few who had never even turned in an assignment.”

Garrett highlights the importance of building a relationship with students and showing them how exciting learning can be as a way to help change their mindset.

Meet Alyssa


自从在Teach Starter开始万博manbext手机官网下载以来,Alyssa最喜欢创建的资源是可打印资源的收集万博足球体育Black History Month.


我们的美国团队让您与我们一起返校返校促进教学资源万博足球体育. It’s an amazing collection of free back-to-school teaching resources to support you in the classroom. Our Booster Packs coverMath,科学,英语艺术与阅读(Elar),正念, and more!



  • Kiran Kanwal

    This is one of the best teaching/learning website I've discovered so far. Thank you

    • 斯蒂芬妮(教学起步者)万博manbext手机官网下载

      Thank you for your positive feedback, Kiran! We do our best to make engaging and appealing resources for our teachers and their students. If there's anything further we can do to support you, please don't hesitate to ask.

  • Liz Cloter

    We appreciate all that you do. Thank you so much for so much love and care!

    • Natalie


  • 布里奇特·图曼(Bridget Turman)

    Thank you so much for the Back to School Teaching Resources!!! You guys rock!

    • Natalie



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