儿童的MLK日活动 +更多的方法来纪念King博士在课堂上


So you’ve just gotten back from winter break, and now the first federal holiday of the year —Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day- 即将到来。您应该在课堂上做什么马丁·路德·金(Martin Luther King)的活动,您如何给班级留下深刻的印象,即MLK Day不仅仅是他们入睡的一天?

From MLK Day activities for in-person learning to Martin Luther King Jr. Day activities that can be done with remote students, here’s what you need to know to honor the civil rights leader now and all year long.

What Is the Purpose of MLK Day?

Teaching elementary schoolers about Dr. King and his legacy of non-violent protest starts with understanding why MLK Day is considered a holiday at all. The law that gave us this federal holiday dates back to 1983 when President Ronald Reagan made official the third Monday in January as the national Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday. While the date itself moves, it always falls right around the civil rights leader’s birthday on January 15, 1929.

立法来纪念金博士随着他自己的联邦假期,他在1968年被暗杀后四天开始,但花了十多年的时间才能成为法律,这是在您的社会研究课程中讨论有关法案如何成为法律的观点 - 无论一年中的时间如何。直到2000年,所有50个州都需要宣布马丁·路德·金日也是州假期。

这holiday was the first to honor a Black American, and while the addition of十月为联邦假期在2021年,美国奴隶制的正式结束是MLK Day仍然是唯一向一个奇异的黑人致敬的一天。

金博士的寡妇科雷塔·斯科特·金(Coretta Scott King)为我们提供了一张路线图,以纪念她的丈夫,于1983年正式通过了它的丈夫马丁·路德·金博士的宣言作为联邦假期:

“The holiday must be substantive as well as symbolic. It must be more than a day of celebration . . . Let this holiday be a day of reflection, a day of teaching nonviolent philosophy and strategy, a day of getting involved in nonviolent action for social and economic progress.”


在MLK Day上进行有关King博士的教学可能是从对他的生活的回顾开始 - 毕竟,年幼的孩子可能还没有了解帮助改变世界的浸信会大臣。

This交互式PowerPoint,谁是马丁·路德·金(Martin Luther King Jr)?是小学学生对金博士的生活和民权运动的介绍的完美介绍。学生和老师一起阅读从他们的阅读中做出逻辑推断,引用特定的文本证据来支持从文本中得出的结论。已经以数字形式出现了,这是一项简单的MLK日活动,可以适应远程学习。

对于大孩子的老师,这个“小马丁·路德·金是谁?”工作表在帮助建立阅读理解的同时,包括有关金博士的重要传记信息。学生将阅读有关的信息文本Dr. King回答8阅读理解问题,以证明他们对文本的理解。

马丁·路德·金(Martin Luther King)为学龄前儿童和幼儿园的活动


由金博士的儿子马丁·路德·金三世(Martin Luther King III)撰写这本图画书tells the story of a father’s love for his son. It’s a beautiful reminder that Dr. King was more than just a hero to millions around the world. He was a special man much loved by his own family.

dr king picture book


幼儿园和幼儿园的学生可以自己做关于MLK的迷你书籍, tracing his name, coloring his photo, and showing their understanding of your lesson by coloring in the images of what Dr. King stood for while also practicing core skills.

MLK mini book activity for kids


另一个马丁路德•金纪念日活动完美for the pre-school and kindergarten set is acut and color activity关于民权领袖。学生通过绘制自己认为自己的样子,然后剪切物品并将其粘贴以展示他为之奋斗的东西,从而完成了金博士的轮廓。

马丁·路德·金(Martin Luther King)活动剪切和颜色

MLK Day Activities for Older Kids

As Coretta Scott King tells us, honoring MLK Day in the classroom isn’t just a way to introduce younger kids to the civil rights leader and his legacy, it’s also a good way to impress the concept of service on our students and talk about their role in their communities and in making change.


田纳西州孟菲斯的民权博物馆是在金博士被暗杀的洛林酒店附近建造的。今天,它讲述了包括金博士在内的民权运动战斗机的故事。不在孟菲斯?这博物馆提供虚拟之旅perfect for elementary classes, and you can take them as a whole class, projecting on your smartboard for in-person learning or on Zoom for your virtual students.


另一个值得参加课堂的虚拟实地考察是一次冒险Atlanta’s National Center for Civil and Human Rights,莫尔豪斯学院马丁·路德·金(Martin Luther King Jr.)的故乡。

Acts of Service

This is a core of MLK education, so why not provide your students with ourActs of Service challenge sheetfilled with items that are kid-friendly but make an impact? The sheet has 36 different service acts plus space for kids to write in the date they completed them. Challenge your students to do as many as they can by the end of January.

您可能还想参观DoSomething.orgfor students to find inspiration for their own acts of service. Programs on the site are all youth-led, and kids can even earn scholarships for taking part!

My Dream Future

马丁·路德·金(Martin Luther King Jr)的《我有一个梦想的演讲》是他最著名的演讲之一,它为孩子们打开了自己的社区和他们希望看到的变化的大门。您可以从writing promptor allow them to get creative with a drawing. (Get the我看到我梦想的未来模板here).



MLK Day在一月份受到尊敬的事实使得是回顾自己的教室并考虑未来几个月的好时机。你有教室里的包容性书籍和材料,确保有色孩子全年都有代表,而不仅仅是在MLK日?您是否在一年中的其他时候谈论金博士的遗产?

We know you’ve got a lot on your plate, so we pulled together some resources that can help you help your kids!

  • 阅读Liz Kleinrock的从这里开始,立即开始- 克莱因洛克(Kleinrock)是受欢迎的老师@teachandtransformInstagram account where she talks about simple shifts teachers can make in the classroom to be more inclusive.
  • Zinn Education Project- 旨在向学生介绍“比传统教科书和课程中发现的对历史更准确,复杂和引人入胜的理解”,这non-profit offers trainings for teachersplus has a host of free resources to make classes more inclusive.
  • 在学校里黑- 找出如何创建一章在学校里黑在您的学校中,要求股权工具包。
  • Facing History —寻找真正会为您充实老师并有所作为的PD吗?找出如何将历史带入您的学校for PD that’s focused on creating a school community that takes issues of ethics, social responsibility, prejudice, and justice seriously.

See our full array ofMartin Luther King teaching resources!


