School Acronyms Every Elementary Teacher Needs to Know

Photo of Jeanne Sager
Updated| 6 min read




艾达-Americans with Disabilities Act, a federal act that provides discrimination protections for Americans with a variety of disabilities, the ADA mandates special accommodations not just for students with “substantial impairment” but for teachers too. The ADA ensures rights for school staff with disabilities such as access to a service dog or a modified work schedule.

ADD/ADHD– Attention Deficit Disorder or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, adisorder that affects超过600万美国儿童。

APE- 自适应体育教育或适应体育教育,这种教育形式由ADA授予某些残疾学生的联邦制

ASD- 自闭症谱系障碍,一组发育障碍,会给学生带来社交,沟通和行为挑战。

BIP- 行为干预计划,通常由特殊教育委员会在一个地区的特殊教育委员会制定,针对残疾学生在课堂上影响其行为,并包括有关行为和计划的原因以及积极行为支持的信息,以解决行为

CBA/CBM-Curriculum-Based Assessment/Curriculum-Based Measurement, is any form of assessment based on the curriculum that a child is studying

CSE-Committee onSpecial Education, a team of multidisciplinary educators appointed to address students’ special education needs

CPS-Child Protective Services, a government agency charged with responding to reports of child abuse and neglect. The acronym CPS is used in some states as the specific name of the agency while in others it’s a general acronym that may be used to refer to an agency that goes by a different (albeit similar) name.

CST-Child Study Team, a team of multidisciplinary educators that works with parents to establish a plan to get children on a path to academic success. Often a CST is called in before a special education assessment.

DARE- 抗药滥用抗药教育,一项药物和酒精教育计划,通常由警察机构与学区合作开展

EIS-Early Intervention Services, services provided to infants and toddlers with developmental delays

ela-English Language Arts, the study of the English language, including speaking, reading, writing, and listening skills

EL/ELL-English Learner or English Language Learner, this term applies to students whose first language is not English

EQ- 情感商,情绪智力的另一个术语,这是指一个人识别自己情绪的能力

ESL-English as a Second Language, a designation that means the student’s native language is not English. Typically ESL refers to the act of learning English as a second language, while the students themselves may be referred to as ESOL (see below).

ESEA/ESSA-The Elementary and Secondary Education Act is a federal act from the 1960s that was later amended by the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act of 2001 and then replaced by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) in 2015.

ESOL-English Speakers of Other Languages, this refers to students whose native language is not English.

FAPE-Free and Appropriate Public Education, what students are supposed to get under IDEA (see below!), at no cost to their parents

FERPA-Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act, a federal law that protects students’ right to privacy

FTE- 全职同等学历,一名以全职雇用的员工

GATE-Gifted and Talented Education, enrichment and acceleration services provided to students who have been identified as gifted or talented

GPA-Grade Point Average, the average value of a student’s accumulated grades

IDEA-Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, like the ADA, this federal act ensures that students with disabilities are protected from discrimination in the classroom

IDEA 97-The reauthorization and revisions of IDEA made in 1997

IEP- 个性化的教育计划。一份法律文件,绘制为残疾学生可用的服务,包括学生应达到的目标以及帮助学生实现这些目标所需的支持。该文档包括来自IEP团队的输入(见下文)。

-IEP Team, a team of folks who work together to create a child’s IEP, the team typically includes parents, teachers, and other members of the school staff such as school counselors, occupational therapists, etc.

LMS-Learning Management System, this software is used to provide educational courses, track student progress, and more. Popular examples include Schoology and Google Classroom

LRE-Least Restrictive Environment, the type of educational setting in which kids are supposed to receive FAPE under IDEA

NCLB– No Child Left Behind, a federal reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act passed in 2001 and replaced by the Every Student Succeeds Act in 2015.

oer -开放教育资源,这些教学资源被视为公万博足球体育共领域 - 它们已被释放在知识产权的许可下,该许可使教师可以在课堂上免费使用它们

OHI-Other Health Impairment, a term that refers to a range of diseases and disorders that cause limited strength, vitality, or alertness, including a heightened alertness to environmental stimuli, that can have an affect on a student’s education

OT-Occupational Therapy/Occupational Therapist, a treatment to improve motor skills, balance, and coordination. ·

PBIS-Positive Behavior Intervention and Support, a program that establishes the behavioral expectations of a student body

PD- 教师为提高技能而进行的专业发展,课程和培训(也称为继续教育)

PE——体育一词replaced “gym” in modern education

SEL-Social and emotional learning,一组技能,知识和行为,参与理解和管理情绪,设定积极的目标,对他人的同情心,积极关系以及有效地解决问题

Image of Social-Emotional Learning Paper Fortune Teller



A paper fortune teller template for students to use during social-emotional learning.

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Image of ABC's of Gratefulness



A worksheet to practice being grateful.

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Image of Emotion Strategies Wheel


Emotion Strategies Wheel

A wheel of strategies that students can use for the various emotions they may experience.

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SIP-School Improvement Plan, a plan detailing school-wide strategies for improving student performance, typically mandated by the state department of education

SIS-Student Information System, software that includes information on a student, including methods for contacting parents/guardians, demographic data, discipline records, etc.

SPED- 专业教育,提供学术住宿的实践,以满足孩子的个人差异,残疾和特殊需求

SRO-School Resource Officer, a police officer assigned by your local police agency to your school building or district

茎/蒸汽-Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics or Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics,一种整合受试者技能的课程,以帮助学生创造性地思考并学会创新狗万网站

Image of Build Your Own Theme Park – Project


Build Your Own Theme Park – Project


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Image of Thermal Energy Transfer: Solar Oven - STEM Project


热能传输:太阳烤箱 - 茎项目


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Image of Block Beasties – Task Cards


野兽 - 任务卡

一组卡片分为36块图任务three levels.

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TK-Transitional Kindergarten, a year of school often serving as a bridge between pre-school and kindergarten

USED —美国教育部,联邦政府机构,向主要负责教育的州和地方机构提供援助

We know it’s not an acronym used in schools … technically … but we’d be remiss if we didn’t mention 504, wouldn’t we? The three numbers are a common school abbreviation for Section 504, a portion of the federal ADA that applies to any program that receives federal funding and protects students in those programs from discrimination.

That was a lot, we know! So we made the handy “Periodic Table of Education Acronyms” to print and hang near your teacher desk … so you never have to send your grade level team a “huh?” email!

We know there are some acronyms used in schools in the US that are specific to states or even school districts, so if we missed any, please let us know below!

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