10 Creative Kindness Activities for Kids: Celebrate World Kindness Day!

Photo of Bronwyn
Updated| 5 min read

Whether you’re looking for a way to celebrate World Kindness Day with your class or just some kindness activities for kids to do at school, we’ve got you covered with fun and meaningful ways to sprinkle kindness all around the classroom … and community plus ways to teach kindness that will stick.


First off, maybe this is the first time you’re hearing about世界友善日? The whole thing kicked off in 2000 in Singapore, World Kindness Day is all about highlighting and encouraging good deeds in your home, classroom, and community. The people at the World Kindness Movement — the organization behind World Kindness Day — say “it serves as a reminder to all that simple acts of kindness have power and that together, we can all work to create a kinder world.”

Currently, people (including kids) celebrate World Kindness Day in 28 countries, including the US, and there are plenty of random acts of kindness ideas your students can do on this day … or any other day of the year!

When Is World Kindness Day 2021?


How Do You Celebrate World Kindness Day?

作为老师,我们倾向于在课堂上每天庆祝很多友善 - 帮助孩子们谈判,指导他们的社交互动,解决友谊问题,并为自己建模同情和同情自己。

But here are some of our favorite kindness activities for kids!

Kindness Activities for Kids

Write Kindness Notes

It’s easy for kids to take for granted the myriad people all around them who do nice things for them day and in and day out. As adults, we can easily do the same thing. That’s why we love this simple idea fromthird-grade teacher Beverly Kerr。她让她的学生写信给学校的员工的鼓励笔记,以使他们的日子照亮!

Kerr says she did this on one of those days when things were just not going the way she’d hoped in the classroom, and it was a great way to refocus her students on something positive … plus give other people in the school building a much-needed boost!




这个随机的善举活动使用岩石to teach kids how to spread kindness. All it takes is some rocks from the playground, plus paint and paintbrushes and Sharpie markers. The goal is for your students to write happy and encouraging messages on the rocks to make others smile, then drop them in spots around the classroom, school, or out in the community to make someone’s day.

(您可以在这里阅读更多信息teaching kindness one rock at a time)


You can go funny like爱达荷州老师凯蒂·施瓦巴迪森(Katie Schwabadissen)谁使这种热闹的“善良比共卷更具感染力”的门展示,以轻轻地提醒她的学生友善!



Make It … Less Random!

We know, we know, the whole goal of random acts of kindness is that they’re supposed to be random! But there’s no reason you can’t plan them out a bit … so long as they’re still random for the person whose day is completely made by kids doing something kind! Our downloadableRandom Acts of Kindness Calendarencourages students to complete 16 kind tasks over the course of a month and is a great starter for brainstorming kindness ideas your kids can do throughout the school year.

如果您想从12月开始,也可以使用此random acts of kindness holiday display对学生的想法!

Random acts of kindness holiday classroom display

Make a Kindness- Filled Compliments Box

世界范围的周 - 完整的盒子 - 智力教学

We all know how wonderful it feels to receive an unexpected compliment. A compliment is like a little gift that puts a spring in your step for the rest of the day. Why not encourage your students to give each other some build-ups, and get that good energy flowing through your school? To create your own Compliments Box for your class (or school), download ourCompliments Box Decorations and Compliments Cards resource.

Make Kindness Fortune Tellers

printable paper kindness fortune tellers for kids

Kids love making fortune tellers, and playing with the folded paper too! Ourdownloadable paper fortune teller template允许学生写他们希望在内部完成的那种行为,然后玩折叠游戏以寻找善良的活动!

Create Links of Kindness


Give your students slips of paper, and have them write something kind about someone else, then add to a paper chain that can be hung up in the school hallway where people can read the notes as they walk by.



Being kind requires thoughtfulness, and that’s exactly what these mini books are all about — there’s space to:

  • 列出随机行为
  • draw a picture of what kindness looks like
  • 为朋友编写一个积聚的清单
  • 写一个个人肯定清单
  • 写下您可以对环境友好的方式。

Kindness in Chalk

Take your kids outside with some sidewalk chalk and let them share the love with everyone who passes by! They can write kind notes or do something more simple like drawing a rainbow just to make people smile.

Random acts of kindness images on sidewalks using sidewalk chalk.



The Wrinkled Heart


这个Wrinkled Heartexercise is an old one but it’s got a message that truly sticks.

Print off a class set of paper hearts with the message:



When your students realize that the damage to the paper cannot be “undone”, this is the demonstration that once words are said, the damage they cause to others may not be reversible.

这个is a powerful lesson for children of all ages!


不管(看似)小小的善意,都应该得到我们的认可。无论是口头的积累还是有形的奖励,就像我们的华丽之一证书, children love receiving an acknowledgment.

What’s your favorite way to spread kindness around your school?

We hope that you have a lovely World Kindness Day with your class this year!



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