teaching resource

Goals - Speaking and Listening (Lower Elementary)

PDF, Excel|6 pages|成绩:K - 3

Fourteen speaking and listening goal cards for lower elementary.

This set of goal cards are designed to help students develop their speaking and listening skills. These goals help students to reflect upon their work and become more responsible for their own learning.

Print, laminate and stick a small magnetic strip to the back so they can be stuck on to your classroom whiteboard.

Use the PDF Checklist to track all of the goals for each student.

The Excel Spreadsheet can be used to track the goals for all of your students. In the Excel spreadsheet, you can type a ‘y’ to get a green box that indicates the student has achieved that goal, an ‘n’ to indicate the child has not achieved the goal yet and a ‘w’ to indicate that the child is working toward achieving the goal.

Blank cards are also included for personalized goals.

These goal labels can be used in conjunction with

Image of Goal Labels - Speaking and Listening (Lower Elementary)

teaching resource

Goal Labels - Speaking and Listening (Lower Elementary)

Fourteen speaking and listening goal labels for lower elementary.

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