
Phoneme Segmentation - Count and Hook Task Cards

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Help students gain mastery in phoneme segmentation with these hands-on count and hook task cards.


音素意识(the ability to identify and manipulate the individual sounds in words) is a vital stepping stone on the path to becoming a successful reader or writer. Before our students put pen to paper, we immerse them in activities that enable them to say, isolate, and identify sounds.


How To Use These Count and Hook Task Cards


  1. 打印并剪掉卡片。建议使用CARDSTOCK以增加耐用性。
  2. Punch a hole through the black dot at the bottom of each card. This is where students will create their chain of links.
  3. 为学生提供一组任务卡和一些链接操作。
  4. Students say the word corresponding to the picture on the card, then segment it into its phonemes. For example, the word “pig” has three phonemes: p-i-g.
  5. 学生使用链接操作来创建一个链接,该链接代表单词中正确数量的音素,然后通过打孔孔将其连接到卡上。



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该资源是由亚利桑那州的一位老师安娜·赫尔维格(Anna Helwig)创建的,也是一位教师的合作者。万博manbext手机官网下载


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