teaching resource

The Solar System – Cut and Paste Activity

PDF|3 pages|等级:3 - 4

A cut and paste activity where students make a mini solar system book.

A Mini Book of Planets

Students will demonstrate their fine motor skills and create a mini notebook to help them remember the order of the planets.


  1. 1和2的连续打印页面,和决定e to flip on the short edge. Print the page of planets single-sided. Use the ‘Actual size’ printer setting for the best results.
  2. 沿着实心切割线将迷你书页切成两半。
  3. 沿着折叠线折叠以匹配插图。
  4. 将匹配的字母页面粘合在一起,并将两半加入页面“ B”。
  5. Color the sun and the planets.
  6. 剪掉太阳和标签,然后将其贴在迷你书中的第一页上。
  7. Stick the planets in the correct order one to a page, including the back page of the mini-book.

To help students cut and paste the planets in the correct order, display the following poster.

Image of The Solar System to Scale

teaching resource


A poster showing the order, scale, and diameter of the planets in our Solar System.

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