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Teach Starter PublishingSuitable for grades:K - 6

Create a random letter grid and make as many words with your class as you can before time runs out!

Use this widget during reading centers as a word work rotation or as a bellringer activity.

切换小部件生成一个类风湿性关节炎ndom grid of letters that students use to make as many words as they can. There are many ways to play. See below for some suggestions.

Word Snakes

Create words by linking the adjoining letter squares, either adjacent or diagonal, to form a chain of letters. Each letter can only be used once per word.

Random Letters

Use any letter square on the board to create words. Each letter square can only be used once per word.


  • Less than 3 letters:0 points
  • 3 letters:1 point
  • 4 letters:2 points
  • 5 letters:3 points
  • 6 letters:4 points
  • 7 letters:5 points
  • 8 or more letters:10 points

Note:The letters in the Toggle widget are generated at random, and the possible combinations per puzzle are not checked for undesirable word combinations. Please generate the puzzle and conduct your own check before presenting it to your class.

Looking for more help? Watch how to use the Toggle in our Widgets Webinar.

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