

Join us as we chat to inspirational, everyday teachers. It's real, it's uplifting, it's funny: it's for the love of teaching!

30 of 371 teaching resources for those 'aha' moments
  • 最怪异的礼物老师收到的预览图像是什么?——播客



    我们问,你们带来了商品。我们只能说“哇(真的?!)”。享受!您是否订阅了教学器?万博manbext手机官网下载别忘了!这意味着您将是第一个知道每当发布新剧集的人。在Te万博manbext手机官网下载ach Starter,我们不仅为老师制作了这个出色的播客!我们还制作质量,可下载的教学资源!万博足球体育有关隐私信息,请参见Omnystudio.com/listener。

  • 谈话老师礼物的预览图像!——播客


    Talking Teacher Gifts!

    The longer you teach, the more weird and wonderful the end of year gifts get! Today we reflect on our favourite gifts from students. Teachers, what's the best gift you've ever had from a little student? Have you subscribed to Teach Starter? Don't forget! It means you'll be the first to know whenever a new episode is released. At Teach Starter, we don't only make this great podcast for teachers! We also make quality, downloadable teaching resources that save teachers hours of time and make their classrooms buzz! See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

  • Preview image for Fine Motor Activities for Little Hands Over the Break - podcast


    Fine Motor Activities for Little Hands Over the Break

    As adults we know that feeling of picking up a pen for the first time in a while (say, after the glorious summer school holidays!). Kids can often let their fine motor skills lapse over the lengthy summer break. Today we're giving you ideas for helping your students head into the break with some excellent fine motor skills, and some fun things they can do at home to retain them! Fine Motor Activities Dinosaur Fine Motor Skills Resource Pack Have you subscribed to Teach Starter? Don't forget! It means you'll be the first to know whenever a new episode is released. At Teach Starter, we don't only make this great podcast for teachers! We also make quality, downloadable teaching resources that save teachers hours of time and make their classrooms buzz! See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    8 min
  • Preview image for Tell us your Elf on the Shelf ideas! - podcast


    Tell us your Elf on the Shelf ideas!

    这是老师语音邮件,我们每周给老师一个声音,以吸引其他成千上万的老师并加强我们的社区!本周,我们向老师询问了架子上的小精灵,以及这些厚脸皮的小角色今年在您的教室里做什么。如果您遇到想法,请在此处查看我的博客!您是否订阅了教学器?万博manbext手机官网下载别忘了!这意味着您将是第一个知道每当发布新剧集的人。在Te万博manbext手机官网下载ach Starter,我们不仅为老师制作了这个出色的播客!我们还制作质量,可下载的教学资源!万博足球体育有关隐私信息,请参见Omnystudio.com/listener。

  • 预览图像在8节!——播客


    Under 8s Day!


  • Preview image for End of Year Parting Gifts - podcast



    这是老师语音邮件,我们每周给老师一个声音,以吸引其他成千上万的老师并加强我们的社区!本周我们问老师,您给学生的分手礼物是什么?艾玛(Emma)本周加入迈克尔(Michael),谈论围绕学年的真正零食之一。您是否订阅了教学器?万博manbext手机官网下载别忘了!这意味着您将是第一个知道每当发布新剧集的人。在Te万博manbext手机官网下载ach Starter,我们不仅为老师制作了这个出色的播客!我们还制作质量,可下载的教学资源!万博足球体育有关隐私信息,请参见Omnystudio.com/listener。

  • 气候变化教育的预览图像:最后一句话(现在!) - 播客



    Now that COP26 is over, we just thought we'd add some final thoughts for teachers to sit with as we head towards the end of the year. In this episode, Michael and Bron are joined by Melanie Mokken from The Rainforest Alliance, and Mike Creamer, a Glaswegian geography teacher. Both of these guests talked about the importance of really bringing the very big, global issue of Climate Change and localising it for children in order to start them on a path of awareness and action that'll set them up to be compassionate global citizens in the future Thanks for joining us on this journey, and don't forget to check out the other recent episodes in our Climate Change Education series. Join us Friday for Teacher Voicemail, where we're asking: What will be your parting gift to your students this year? See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    12 min
  • 音调意识活动的预览图像 - 播客



    In this episode, Holly joins Bron to chat about phonemic awareness activities. Have you subscribed to Teach Starter? Don't forget! It means you'll be the first to know whenever a new episode is released. At Teach Starter, we don't only make this great podcast for teachers! We also make quality, downloadable teaching resources that save teachers hours of time and make their classrooms buzz! See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    14 min
  • 鱿鱼游戏的预览图片:老师的提示 - 播客

    Episode 369

    Squid Game(s): Tips for Teachers

    鱿鱼是一系列关于Netflix流,我的游戏s not only breaking the 'most-streamed series ever' record, but it's also filtering down to some of our youngest children in our primary schools. We were recently made aware of school children as young as 6 being exposed to this Netflix show. If you haven't yet watched Squid Game, it's certainly not been designed for young people's eyes, that's for sure! However, they are seeing it or being exposed to aspects of it through Netflix, YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, and even Roblox. We recently asked Trent from the Cyber Safety Project to provide us with some hints and tips on how teachers can deal with this emerging situation in our primary schools. In this episode, listen as Bron and Jill chat about the show and the main tips that Trent shared with us. Check out the blog here! Have you subscribed to Teach Starter? Don't forget! It means you'll be the first to know whenever a new episode is released. At Teach Starter, we don't only make this great podcast for teachers! We also make quality, downloadable teaching resources that save teachers hours of time and make their classrooms buzz! See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

  • 气候变化教育的预览图像:支持儿童和鼓舞人心的希望 - 播客

    Episode 368

    Climate Change Education: Supporting Children and Inspiring Hope

    We're halfway through COP26 and here at Teach Starter we've been talking a lot about climate change. To wrap up this short series, Michael and Bron spoke with psychologists Susie Burke and Ann Sanson about the best ways to approach climate change conversations with young students. Thanks for coming on this journey with us. It's over to you now, teachers. If you have a story that you'd like to share from your classroom, send us a voice message on Instagram or Facebook, or emails us any time to[电子邮件保护]要访问本集中引用的资万博足球体育源和信息,请访问我们的博客,气候变化教育:从哪里开始。感谢收听!不要忘记:订阅在您喜欢的播客应用程序上教学开始者,因此您永远万博manbext手机官网下载不会错过一集!Subscribe to Teach Starter on YouTube, for helpful videos for your classroom. Follow Teach Starter on Instagram for daily teaching inspiration. Visit TeachStarter.com to view all of our engaging and easy-to-use classroom resources. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

  • 早年的预览图像芬兰可持续发展教育:代理商冒险 - 播客


    Early Years Sustainability Education in Finland: Agent Adventure

    这是老师语音邮件,我们每周给老师一个声音,以吸引其他成千上万的老师并加强我们的社区!This week on Teacher Voicemail, we're bringing you a sneaky outtake from one of our interviews from "Climate Change Education: Collective Action Starts in Schools". Finnish early years teacher Viveka tells us all about a sustainability unit she is running in her class for the next couple of weeks. Have you subscribed to Teach Starter? Don't forget! It means you'll be the first to know whenever a new episode is released. At Teach Starter, we don't only make this great podcast for teachers! We also make quality, downloadable teaching resources! See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

  • 预览图像如何与焦虑的学生谈论敏感问题 - 播客



    This week we're offering some practical tips to help support students with anxiety. We also look into some ways to spot if a child isn't coping or is feeling anxious. Email us at[电子邮件保护]or contact us via Facebook or Instagram to get involved with the podcast! See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    22 min
  • 气候变化教育的预览图像:集体行动从学校开始 - 播客



    第26届联合国气候变化会议于今天晚些时候在格拉斯哥举行,世界领导人正在开会讨论气候变化和未来。我们绝对可以期望的是世界各地的大型示威游行,尤其是在格拉斯哥,以及世界领导人的巨大压力,要做诸如加强野心以减少温室气体排放的事情。气候变化教育也是该机构讨论的事情,因此我们可以看到有关这方面的一些事情,但是在大流行后更好地建立了回报,并利用这些机会投资清洁能源和低排放行业,在议程上。因此,当我们在媒体上听到很多有关此事的消息,并可能在我们的员工室和家人中谈论它,但我们想花一点时间来听一些老师的消息,了解气候变化如何以及何处进入教室。迈克尔与五位老师谈论他们如何在国际课堂上实施气候变化教育时听。要访问本集中引用的资万博足球体育源和信息,请访问我们的博客,气候变化教育:从哪里开始。感谢收听!不要忘记:订阅在您喜欢的播客应用程序上教学开始者,因此您永远万博manbext手机官网下载不会错过一集!订阅在YouTube上教学万博manbext手机官网下载的教学,以获取课堂上有用的视频。 Follow Teach Starter on Instagram for daily teaching inspiration. Visit TeachStarter.com to view all of our engaging and easy-to-use classroom resources. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

  • Preview image for When Students Ask About Climate Change - podcast



    这是老师语音邮件,我们每周给老师一个声音,以吸引其他成千上万的老师并加强我们的社区!本周,我们询问了一个与COP-26有关的问题,该问题要在格拉斯哥开始:是否有一个学生向您询问气候变化,您如何回应?您是否订阅了教学器?万博manbext手机官网下载别忘了!这意味着您将是第一个知道每当发布新剧集的人。在Te万博manbext手机官网下载ach Starter,我们不仅为老师制作了这个出色的播客!我们还制作质量,可下载的教学资源!万博足球体育有关隐私信息,请参见Omnystudio.com/listener。

    3 min
  • Preview image for Earth Day's Climate Literacy Campaign -  Rachel Weisbrot - podcast


    地球日的气候扫盲运动-Rachel Weisbrot

    Ahead of the UN Climate Change Conference, the COP 26, beginning in Glasgow next week, producer Michael sat down to chat with Rachel Wiesbrot, from Earthday.org. Rachel's role as education and communication manager sees her supporting the growth of EarthDay.org's Climate Literacy campaign, which aims to ignite an education revolution to save the planet. Thank you for joining us! We'll be delving deeper into the current state of climate change education, globally, in our special mini-series: Climate Change Education. Episode one is called "Collective Actions Starts in Schools", and will be available from Sunday. Subscribe to or Follow Teach Starter on your preferred podcast app so you don't miss it! Teachers! Tell global leaders at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change to commit to compulsory, assessed climate and environmental education with a strong civic engagement component at COP26 this November. https://www.earthday.org/campaign/climate-environmental-literacy/ See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    26 min
  • 预览图像的教学入门和通往COP26的万博manbext手机官网下载道路-Podcast



    Over the coming weeks, the Teach Starter podcast will be bringing you up to date information environmental education, and where to start. This is our community, and wherever you are in the world, we'd love to hear from you. What questions do your students have about climate change? Have you covered this in your classroom? Let us know! Email us at[电子邮件保护]or contact us via Facebook or Instagram to get involved with the podcast! See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

  • Preview image for How well does the curriculum support teachers on sustainability and climate change? - podcast


    How well does the curriculum support teachers on sustainability and climate change?

    这是老师语音邮件,我们每周给老师一个声音,以吸引其他成千上万的老师并加强我们的社区!This week we asked teachers, how well supported are you by the curriculum when it comes to teaching about sustainability, the environment, and climate change? This is a topic we're going to be looking at some more in the lead-up to COP26. Have anything to say on this? Hit us up on Instagram or Facebook, or emails us at[电子邮件保护]您是否订阅了教学器?万博manbext手机官网下载别忘了!这意味着您将是第一个知道每当发布新剧集的人。在Te万博manbext手机官网下载ach Starter,我们不仅为老师制作了这个出色的播客!我们还制作质量,可下载的教学资源!万博足球体育有关隐私信息,请参见Omnystudio.com/listener。

    3 min
  • Happy Tevent Revolution的预览图片-Danna Thomas-播客


    The Happy Teacher Revolution - Danna Thomas

    丹娜·托马斯(Danna Thomas)是前巴尔的摩市公立学校老师,成为一项全球倡议的创始人,旨在支持教育工作者的心理健康和健康。她今天加入我们,分享有关教师倦怠的循证研究,以及干预如何使倦怠保持困境。丹娜(Danna)的组织《快乐的教师革命》(Happy Teacher Revolution),通过为教育工作者提供治愈,处理和真实的社会情感需求,以增加教师的幸福,保留和专业的可持续性。有关隐私信息,请参见Omnystudio.com/listener。

  • 预览教室和员工的可持续性图像 - 播客

    Episode 359


    给我们发电子邮件[电子邮件保护]联系我们通过facebook或instagram发票olved with the podcast! Some time ago, now, in July 2019, Jill and I recorded this episode about sustainability in the workplace, staffroom and classroom. It's still one of our most downloaded episodes, so we know that teachers are interested in making positive, practical changes in order to help the environment and model sustainable practices for our students. A lot has changed since mid-2019... You'll hear Jill talk about our Million Trees project. We're thrilled to say that we've now planted more than 67 000 trees with the help of every Teach Starter subscriber. Unfortunately, we haven't been able to visit WA to see they amazing plantation, as travel has been so severely impacted due to Covid 19. Although a lot has changed, some things remain equally if not more critical than two years ago. Climate Change is an urgent issue requiring our collective efforts immediately. With the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) in Glasgow on 31 October - 12 November 2021, the spotlight is on Climate Change Action, and as teachers, we know, it's our responsibility to equip our students, the citizens of the future. How do we do that? We open conversations and start with small, actionable changes which offer kids ownership and understandings of the world which they will inherit. Over the coming weeks, the Teach Starter podcast will be bringing you up to date information Climate Change education, and where to start. This is our community, and wherever you are in the world, we'd love to hear from you. Our question to you, teachers, is well supported are you by the curriculum when it comes to teaching about sustainability, the environment, and in particular Climate Change? See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    20 min
  • Preview image for Report Card Advice From Real Teachers - podcast

    Episode 358

    Report Card Advice From Real Teachers

    这是老师语音邮件,我们每周给老师一个声音,以吸引其他成千上万的老师并加强我们的社区!本周,我们问了一个我们知道的问题,目前是老师的思想:接近报告卡的关键是什么?下周,我们将谈论可持续性和气候变化。我们问:您认为课程如何支持您在这一领域的教学?您是否订阅了教学器?万博manbext手机官网下载别忘了!这意味着您将是第一个知道每当发布新剧集的人。在Te万博manbext手机官网下载ach Starter,我们不仅为老师制作了这个出色的播客!我们还制作质量,可下载的教学资源!万博足球体育有关隐私信息,请参见Omnystudio.com/listener。

  • 为有特殊需要的支持学生提供预览图像-Ally LoveJoy-播客

    Episode 357

    Supporting Students with Special Needs - Ally Lovejoy

    Ally Lovejoy是一位明尼苏达州的老师,他总是发现与有特殊需要的孩子一起工作。Ally目前教授患有心理健康诊断的儿童,例如反对性抗拒障碍,创伤后应激障碍和强迫症,使他们在她的教室中获得安全而接受的位置,他们可以按照自己的步伐学习和发展。

    12 min
  • Preview image for How to Use our Resources on Google Slides! - podcast

    Episode 356


    在这一集中,吉尔(Jill)和布朗(Bron)通过如何轻松将我们的PDF资源转换为Google Slides,为您的Google教室准备好了吗?万博足球体育我们有很多老师问我们如何在Google课堂中使用我们的资源。万博足球体育这是您的答案!您是否订阅了教学器?万博manbext手机官网下载别忘了!这意味着您将是第一个知道每当发布新剧集的人。在Te万博manbext手机官网下载ach Starter,我们不仅为老师制作了这个出色的播客!我们还制作了高质量的下载教学资源,可以节省老师数小时的时间并引起教室的嗡嗡声!万博足球体育有关隐私信息,请参见Omnystudio.com/listener。

    11 min
  • 预览儿童关于食物和环境可持续性的图像 - 播客

    Episode 355

    Teaching Kids About Food and Environmental Sustainability

    Stephanie Alexander is a pioneering food writer, and was the first woman to own and manage a world class restaurant in Australia. She became a Member of the Order of Australia in 1994 and is regarded as one of Australia's great food educators. Although Stephanie has been doing amazing things in the food an hospitality field for decades, her groundbreaking work in creating the NFP Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Foundation has helped Australian school kids form positive food habits for life. Today I'm joined by the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Foundation's CEO, Josephene Duffy, to talk about the recipe for effective food education. Have you subscribed to Teach Starter? Don't forget! It means you'll be the first to know whenever a new episode is released. At Teach Starter, we don't only make this great podcast for teachers! We also make quality, downloadable teaching resources! See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    24 min
  • 预览图像您在课堂上触及的最严重的东西是什么?——播客

    Episode 354

    What's the grossest thing you've touched in the classroom?

    Welcome to Teacher Voicemail, where we give teachers a voice every week to reach thousands of other teachers and strengthen our community! This week we asked a question we know every single teacher has an answer to: what's the grossest thing you've touched in the classroom? Eww! Next week we're going to be talking about report cards. Send us through your top tips to help teachers through this busy time! Have you subscribed to Teach Starter? Don't forget! It means you'll be the first to know whenever a new episode is released. At Teach Starter, we don't only make this great podcast for teachers! We also make quality, downloadable teaching resources! See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    3 min
  • Preview image for Being Culturally Relevant for our Students - Casey Hall - podcast

    Episode 353

    与我们的学生具有文化相关 - 凯西·霍尔(Casey Hall)

    Casey Hall is a certified K-12 music teacher who originally thought he was destined to be a high school band director, but who has found so much happiness in the wonder of elementary school children. Raised in Atlanta, Georgia, Casey lives and teaches in this culturally diverse and vibrant city. He teaches in the 4th largest district in Georgia, and talks about the disadvantages his students face due to institutionalized poverty and racial segregation in the community. Thanks for listening! Don't forget to: Subscribe to Teach Starter on your preferred podcast app, so you'll never miss an episode! Subscribe to Teach Starter on Youtube, for helpful videos for your classroom. Follow Teach Starter on Instagram for daily teaching inspiration. Visit TeachStarter.com to view all of our engaging and easy-to-use classroom resources. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

  • 预览图片,用于策划您最好的老师衣柜!——播客

    Episode 352

    Curating Your Best Teacher Wardrobe!

    It's a new season, a new term, and time to think about what we're going to wear! We asked teachers for their best hints and tips on professional dressing, and this is what they said. Read more about 14 Tips For Creating a Teacher Wardrobe here! Have you subscribed to Teach Starter? Don't forget! It means you'll be the first to know whenever a new episode is released. At Teach Starter, we don't only make this great podcast for teachers! We also make quality, downloadable teaching resources that save teachers hours of time and make their classrooms buzz! See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

  • Preview image for Tell us which state you teach in, without telling us! - podcast

    Episode 351

    Tell us which state you teach in, without telling us!

    Welcome to Teacher Voicemail, where we give teachers a voice every week to reach thousands of other teachers and strengthen our community! We've been covering some pretty heavy ground the last couple of weeks, so this week we came up for air and asked teachers: Tell us which state you teach in... without telling us which state you teach in! Next week's question is back to the serious stuff: What's the grossest thing you've touched in the classroom? Eww! Have you subscribed to Teach Starter? Don't forget! It means you'll be the first to know whenever a new episode is released. At Teach Starter, we don't only make this great podcast for teachers! We also make quality, downloadable teaching resources! See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

  • 避免老师倦怠的预览图像-Angela Watson -Podcast

    Episode 350

    Avoid Teacher Burnout - Angela Watson

    安吉拉·沃森(Angela Watson万博manbext手机官网下载)今天正在教授首发球员,谈论老师的福祉,倦怠的风险以及如何克服所有老师在职业生涯中面临的挑战。

    22 min
  • 优质时间的预览图像 - 动作计划(教师工作量) - 播客

    Episode 348

    Quality Time - an Action Plan (Teacher Workload)

    质量时间”项目旨在简化和密苏里州dernise administrative processes and practices, to ensure that teacher and school leader time is spent on the work that matters most and best supports quality teaching and learning." Read the Quality Time Action Plan document here. Access the feedback form here (the consultation period has been extended by two weeks due to the high volume of feedback being submitted). See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

  • 预览图像“倦怠”一词对您意味着什么?——播客

    Episode 348

    What Does the Word 'Burnout' Mean to You?

    Welcome to Teacher Voicemail, where we give teachers a voice every week to reach thousands of other teachers and strengthen our community! This week we asked teachers: What does the word 'burnout' mean to you? Thank you to all of the teachers who joined in this discussion. It's certainly a confronting and difficult thing to talk about and acknowledge. Burnout affects so many teachers. Please do take care of yourselves and if you need support, call Lifeline. Next week we're asking you to: Tell us which state you teach in, without telling us! Have you subscribed to Teach Starter? Don't forget! It means you'll be the first to know whenever a new episode is released. At Teach Starter, we don't only make this great podcast for teachers! We also make quality, downloadable teaching resources! See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    6 min