teaching resource

Roots Window Graphic Organiser

Teach Starter Publishing
PDF|1 page|Years:5 - 6

Organise ideas about roots and their origins with this graphic organiser.

A Visual Display of Roots Knowledge

您是否正在寻找一种吸引学生表现出对根源的理解的吸引人的方式?然后看不到这种窗口风格graphic organiser。Add a little spark to your otherwise dreary word study lesson with this模板!

学生剪掉条纹和框架,然后完成与特定有关的信息root。This graphic organiser allows students to demonstrate their knowledge of the root. They do this by:

  • stating the root’s origin
  • 使用root在句子中
  • giving examples of words containing the root
  • drawing a picture/icon to represent the root (to act as a memory aid)
  • 解释根的含义。


Why are Roots Important?

A knowledge of roots is not only beneficial in developingspelling和阅读技能,但也在扩展方面vocabulary。这位图形组织者是一种神话般的教育工具,它将帮助您的学生对他们的想法进行分类,并开始看到概念之间的关系。

How Can I Use This Resource?

在dividuals might like to build their own collection of roots graphic organisers. Alternatively, the completed templates could be displayed in the classroom. Perhaps you might challenge the class to come up with a set of templates where no single root is repeated.

Download & Print — It’s Child’s Play!


If you’re interested in learning more about graphic organisers, take a look here:Using Graphic Organisers to Make Your Classroom Buzz!


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