
Photo of Alison Smith
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How’s your school morning routine? Are you totally nailing it? Or are your mornings as frantic as mine?


school morning routine for teachers morning person


Life as a teacher is unique. Teacher mornings require a whole new level of forward-thinking and organisation, (even more so if you have young children of your own). So, let’s get into how to hack your school morning routine to help you have better days!


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school morning routine for teachers morning person

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The Evening Element of Your School Morning Routine

您可以通过计划前一天晚上的老师服装来节省自己的宝贵时间。如果您有孩子 - 也将他们的衣服放在前一天晚上!

school morning routine for teachers morning person

Shutterstock image by WAYHOME studio


Many life hacks come down to simplifying. So, during the school holidays have awardrobe stocktake. Sort your teacher clothes into categories: skirts, shirts, pants, tops, jackets or whatever suits you. Get rid of anything that you haven’t worn for a year.

Read Emma’s blog,18个老师T恤激发您的灵感!|#teachertees了解到教室的最新趋势。

Drink Water, Eat Protein, and Ditch Sugar on School Mornings


school morning routine for teachers morning person

Shutterstock image by All kind of people


school morning routine for teachers morning person

teri virbickis的shutterstock图像

Top tip: Prepare smoothie bags in advance and freeze them. For a basic green smoothie recipe think frozen fruit, greens, milk/liquid, and seeds. For a super quick and easy green smoothie I love:

  • 1 frozen banana
  • a hand-full of baby spinach
  • 1杯杏仁牛奶
  • 1/2汤匙地亚麻种子


Taking a moment for yourself, however short, is a great way to reduce levels of stress in the morning. This simple life hack for teachers is sometimes easier said than done. If you’re abusy teacher-mum, seek moments when your kids are occupied, step into a quiet space and take a few deep breaths.

school morning routine for teachers morning person

Albina Glisic的Shutterstock图像


For more tips on developing your own mindfulness practice read our blog教师在教导正念之前需要学习什么.

Make a List During your School Morning Routine


school morning routine for teachers morning person

Shutterstock image by Efetova Anna

As soon as you arrive at school, refer to your list and attack your top-3 priority jobs. Life hacks like these are not rocket science, but it’s easy to forget the power they can have in reducing anxiety. So if you are finding your teacher mornings stressful, commit to writing a list.

对于最终的列表编写工具,请前往我们教师日记集. You’ll find a huge range of day plans, monthly and weekly overviews, key date and birthday pages, contacts lists, assessment trackers, and note pages.

Set Your Intention for the Day Ahead


One of my favourite morning intentions is to take the time to connect with every student in the classroom. Your intention could be to finish an admin task. Or, it could be a to give off positive vibes throughout the day and to be extra patient.

school morning routine for teachers morning person



So to sum it up, there are many little changes that you can make to make a big difference to your school morning routine. As a busy working mum, I am a self-confessed work in progress. So, let’s lift each other up and try out these life hacks for stress-free mornings!

school morning routine for teachers morning person

Shutterstock image by gornjak



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