
音素点故事 - 长'e'声音


一个可解码的文本,具有各种绘制的素材,这些素图使长“ e”声音。

One fundamental aspect of音素意识is understanding that multiple graphemes can be used to represent a single phoneme. In order to do this, students must first become familiar with the sound that a particular phoneme makes. Time to read aloud to explore the long ‘e’ sound!

探索长的“ e”声音

这个音素的故事,通过流,探索一些使长“ e”元音声音的素材。其中包括素数“ y”,分裂的digraph“ e_e”,digraph“ ee”和digraph“ ea”。

How to use this resource

为学生提供文本副本。让他们大声朗读故事。每当他们听到长长的“ e”声音时,请学生突出显示或为包含此声音的单词着色。

Whole-class activity
项目the text onto your whiteboard. Read the text aloud to the students. Each time they hear the long ‘e’ sound, have the students indicate this in some way, e.g. put their hands on their head, stand up, clap their hands. Afterwards, discuss the various graphemes that made the long ‘e’ sound within the text.

寻找其他资源来教长“ e”声音?万博足球体育

Use this active PowerPoint game to consolidate your students understanding of the long and short ‘e’ sound in common words.

Image of Move It! - Long and Short Vowel 'e' PowerPoint Game


移动!- 长元音“ E” PowerPoint游戏

An active PowerPoint game to practise reading and identifying long and short vowel ‘e’ words.

万博manbext手机官网下载教学启动器出版 1 年:1-2




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