
6年级 - 第4周从家庭活动网格中学习



Teac万博manbext手机官网下载h Starter团队为6年级的孩子创建了这些活动网格,以在学校关闭期间的父母或监护人的帮助下在家中完成一周的时间。


在关闭学校,如果孩子需要educated from home or homeschooled, teachers can print off these grids of curriculum-aligned activities and send home with Year 6 students, download it digitally via a link, email it to parents and guardians, or upload it on any digital learning platform as an at-home learning experience that allows students to work with minimal preparation and supervision.

Parents and guardians should be able to understand these tasks and activities and to set them in a homeschooling or at-home learning environment, without requiring materials or resources found in a classroom. The activities in the grid can be completed on a tablet/iPad or completed with a pen or pencil in a journal.

How to Use This Download to Teach Students Working Remotely

这些活动网格可以用作选择板 - 允许学生从每个网格中选择一项活动以每天完成 - 或您可能认为合适的任何其他方式。网格还具有可编辑的单词版本,因此您可以调整活动以适合您的需求,同时远程教孩子或使用Google教室。我们还包括学生可能需要完成活动所需的任何资源。万博足球体育

The amount of time you allow for a child to complete each at-home learning task should be tailored to their needs. As a rule of thumb, give them as much time as they need, but watch for signs of fatigue that suggest children may need a break.

Whether following the choice board model or doing something different, be sure to include time to play! We recommend bundling this pack with your own at-home learning and educational activities, such as reading, outdoor play, fine motor skills, games, and craft activities.

分享这个Homeschooling Pack与父母,学生和其他老师在一起!



Teach Starter’s mission is to make every classroom buzz. We hope your Year 6 students, or your children, will be ‘busy bees’ working on these curriculum-aligned activities in their home or in a virtual classroom environment.


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