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泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor Swift)成为一名出色老师的10个原因

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Ever wondered what America’s sweetheart and theworld’s greatest pop star, Taylor Swift, would be like as a teacher? Anyone? Nope, just us?

好吧,就其价值而言,我们认为泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor Swift)将是最酷,最善良,最吸引人的教育者。但是不要相信我们的话!

Read on to find out why Taylor Swift would be a superstar teacher.

1. She’d have the最可爱的class pets.

Twift是猫爱好者,这已经不是什么秘密了!她的宠物甚至在她的歌中得到了一个有趣的提及Gorgeous。你知道她的三只猫有全名吗?他们是Meredith Gray,Olivia Benson和Benjamin Button。

2. She’d Totally Nail the End of Year Showcase!

Her choreographed class routine would steal the show at the End of Year Showcase. She’s all about the moves (she makes them up as she goes)!

3. She’d Bring Her Quirkiest Self to Every Lesson.

Speaking of dance moves, teacher Taylor would always be ready for anactive brain-breakwithKidzBop或者GoNoodle! Taylor’s an individual and would teach her kids to be 100% authentic.

She’d probably even let the students move the desks so they could dance.


Taylor’s a fantastic lyricist, so she’d smash writing her report card comments! And given the story-like structure of her songs, we think she’d alsoteach narrative writing like a boss.


泰勒(Taylor)是一个天然的和平缔造者,她自己经历了一些超级尴尬的互动(包括this attention-seeking stunt from Kanye in 2009),她以优雅的方式管理。因此,她将在通过冲突和与他们进行正念沟通的情况下为学生提供支持。

6. She’d be supportive on the sidelines.


7. She’d fake enthusiasm about student interests, even when she wasn’t feeling it.

She’d listen politely to her Fortnite-obsessed students try to tell her all about their latest kills, skins, V-Bucks, inventory, Victory Royales.


泰勒(Taylor)是一个优先考虑她最亲密的朋友的女人。十年前,泰勒(Taylor)的星光熠熠的“小队”became publicly known; and she’s still super close with them (although she’s a lot more private about her connections now). Not only would Taylor have agreat group of teacher besties, but with her big, outgoing personality, she’d probably lead the staff social committee, too.

9. She’d tune out occasionally in meetings.

Look, we’ve all done it. Some days, a little escapism is all that gets us through. Taylor’s a creative soul, and her imagination would be vivid. PD: it’s a nightmare dressed like a daydream.

10. Her teacher style would catch on.


因此,泰勒(Taylor),如果您考虑过一个职业枢纽,老师小队就在这里准备好等待 - 我们希望您加入我们的团队!

*gifsvia GIPHY


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