领导活动为孩子们建立领导人滑雪lls in the Classroom

Photo of Natalie

As students grow older, there is a certain amount of responsibility placed on their shoulders. Whether they have ‘official’ leadership positions or are simply the oldest cohort on campus, they need to understand the importance of their roles as student leaders and the qualities they need to possess.




那么,我们应该教我们的学生释放他们的领导潜力呢?是什么使一个好的领导者?学生的领导技能 - 海报包

OurLeadership Qualities – Poster Pack包括海报,突出了9种杰出领导者的素质。这些丰富多彩的海报一定会帮助您的学生了解他们如何成为学校领导者。

It includes the following qualities of a good leader:


Communicating isn’t just about being a confident speaker! A good leader knows when to speak, how to speak, and also how to listen effectively. In order to inspire trust in others, students must speak with good intentions – this means speaking with honesty and kindness.

Creative and Flexible

Modeling a creative and flexible mindset is important as a student leader. A good leader is able to evaluate a situation quickly and come up with the best course of action. And if that action doesn’t provide the best results, a good leader is able to adapt and change their course to incorporate new ideas and innovations.




Having a positive mindset is integral to inspiring and leading others! As educators, it is important that we instill in our students a belief that whatever goal has been set can and should be accomplished, even if it seems impossible at first. This type of confidence inspires others to be positive! Talk to your students about having成长心态(或使用我们的一些有趣的资源!)并鼓励您的班级互万博足球体育相激励朝着共同的目标迈进。积极进取和激励他人是成为好领导者的重要组成部分。

是什么使一个好的领导者?学生的领导能力 - 成长心态



Not only do they recognize this responsibility, but a good leader is excited about the opportunity to lead and guide others! They would never ask anyone to do anything that they are not willing to do themselves.


So you know what makes a good leader … but how do we help our students develop all these great leadership skills? Here are some of our favorite social and emotional activities that are all about leadership.

All About Me

在学年开始时,您可能已经递给学生a template to fill out about themselves并鼓励他们与同学交易,以了解他们的相似性和差异。您是否意识到这种普通的破冰活动也是领导活动?

Simply getting kids to sit down and think about describing themselves is a means to get them more comfortable with their own identity, an important part of being a strong leader. You might opt to try it again, only this time ask your students to focus less on material items and more on adjectives to describe themselves. This自我感知工作表can be a great scaffold. or you might give each student apositive self-talk writing promptto get them started.

Responding to Stress Group Skit

这个社会情感课requires students to be broken out into groups to perform a skit that demonstrates how to respond to stress. The students will work together to brainstorm, write, and act out their skit, giving your students a chance to practice being at team player and finding their strengths in group work.

Reaction Charades

对于许多孩子来说,学习评估情况并做出反应并不是最简单的事情。这些reaction charades是一种有趣的方式,可以帮助孩子们发展对社会线索并提高领导能力的理解。学生拉动指导卡并采取各种反应,而同学猜测学生在做什么。

What Makes a Leader?

In thisWhat Makes a Leader? worksheetdesigned for second- and third-graders, students explain the words and actions they see leaders use and list examples of how they might model leadership at home and in school.

Looking for more ways to encourage leadership skills in the classroom? Try these resources to encourage collaboration and working as a group:

Image of Group Work Role Cards




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