teaching resource

Responding to Stress: Small Group Skit Project

Teach Starter Publishing
Google Slide, PDF|5 pages|成绩:4 - 6

This small-group project lets students apply what they've learned about combatting stress by demonstrating practical coping skills.

Even as small children, we are exposed to situations beyond our control.

Things like sharing, being told no, and getting our feelings hurt can trigger strong emotional responses, including stress.

But by learning positive coping skills, we can resolve these internal and external conflicts, giving us tools to handle difficultemotionsthroughout our lives.

So while we can’t stop stress from happening to us…

Wecancontrol how we respond to it—developing essentialsocial and emotional learning skillsin the process.

Through this small-group project, students will brainstorm, write, and act out a team skit that demonstrates how to respond to stress.

Additionally, after all the groups have performed their skit, the students will finish the worksheet by answering questions to help them reflect on what they learned and how they felt about the activity, specifically, whether they could tap into their self-awareness skills. Furthermore, students will be asked to assess whether they need additional support finding ways to respond to stress.

Using This Group Worksheet To Teach Students How to Respond to Stress

这个项目是最好使用the Stress Management Teaching Presentation (grades 4-6), which includes a slide introducing the task. It was designed to be completed in small groups and completed over 2-3 days.

Expand This Stress Management Project with More Ways to Grow!

Take this activity even further by giving your students more opportunities to talk about and explore their reactions to stress.

Turn & Talk

Invite students to pair up with someone in the seat nearest to them for a 5-minute Turn & Talk. Keep students engaged and on task by directing them to focus on their responses to question 1 in the Reflection section of the worksheet. Use this Turn & Talk session to encourage students to make space for each other by actively listening, asking questions, and practicing empathy.

Draw It! Before & After

Have each student select one of the scenarios outlined on page 1 of the activity. On a separate piece of paper, have each student draw a line down the middle of the page. On the first side, the student should draw the stress-causing scenario before coping skills are applied. On the other side, they should draw the scenario after the stress is managed.

Change the Difficulty Level if Needed

The collaborative nature of this small group activity allows students to contribute at their proficiency level.

Students in need of a challenge can be appointed to a leadership role within their small group.

Adversely, purposeful grouping can be used to provide struggling students with needed support.

Easily Prepare This Resource for Your Students

The project directions can be shared digitally or printed for each student. The choice is up to you!

Before You Download

Please use the drop-down option on the Download button to select this resource as a Google Slides file or as a PDF.

This resource was created by Emma L. Welton, a teacher in Colorado and a Teach Starter Collaborator.

We’ve got plenty of resources for helping your students express their emotions. Check out our Social-Emotional Learning area for activities like these!

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