teaching resource

保龄球游戏 - 押韵的话

Teach Starter Publishing
Google幻灯片,PDF|11 pages|等级:K -1

Practice matching rhyming words with this set of 24 picture bowling ball cards and pins.

Have some time to spare to find a rhyming pair?

Pick up a lucky strike with our engagingrhyming words匹配游戏!

''em to我们的押韵单词游戏

通过这项活动,学生将表明他们可以辨别和生产rhyming words.

To play, students will choose a card, identify the word through the image, and remove the rhyming word bowling pin from their set if they have it.

Scaffolding + Extension Tips

挑战快速完成者who already understand the concept to record the rhyming words on a whiteboard or piece of paper.

支持需要帮助理解概念的学生,通过将其引用到视觉提醒中,例如押韵的单词海报或anchor chart.

Get our 10 Best Scaffolding Strategies here!

Turn This Activity Into More Fun Rhyming Games

We created this resource for yourreading center作为独立练习活动。您还可以通过踏板活动,课程评论,形成性评估等等将其用于小组和全班教学!

We suggest these:



Rhyming Relay



Shuffle the picture cards to randomize them and number each card before placing them around the room in numerical order. Students number a sheet of paper 1-24 to use as a recording sheet. Assign each student a starting number and set them loose. Give students an appropriate amount of time to identify the word and write a rhyme on their recording sheet, then say, “SCOOT.” At this time, the students will rotate to the next card. Continue in this manner until students have made it through all of the cards.

Easily Prepare This Resource for Your Students


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该资源是由密歇根州的一位老师林赛·菲利普斯(Lindsey Phillips)创建的,并教授首发合作者。万博manbext手机官网下载

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